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The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management was created as a full- fledged Department in February 1, 2012, following the approval of the National University Commission (NUC) for splitting the former Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management into two: Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management and Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management. The former Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management which was established in August 1981 was the first of its kind in Africa, South of the Sahara. The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management of the University of Ibadan originated from a single programme B.Sc Forestry in the Department of Forestry which was changed to Department of Forest Resources Management in 1975/76 academic session. From 1975/76 to 1980/1981session, the Department of Forest Resources Management awarded B.Sc. degree in Forest Resources Management with three distinct options in Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Management. In August 1, 1981 the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Management was created out of the Department of Forest Resources Management.  The Department was “Wildlife and Fisheries Management” from August 1, 1981 to January 31, 2012 with the Department running two distinct academic programmes in Wildlife Management and Fisheries Management at undergraduate and post graduate levels. It later became imperative due to new global ideology of sustainable resources management and other emerging issues, for training in fisheries to stand as an independent academic Department combining Aquaculture and Fisheries Management.

The Department offers full-fledged degree programmes in Aquaculture and Fisheries Management at B.Sc, M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph.D levels as well as a Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Biodiversity management which is jointly run with the Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management. The Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management has the mandate to train high level manpower in Aquaculture, Fisheries Management, Fisheries Recreation, Fisheries Extension and Economics; Post Harvest Utilisation and Biodiversity Management.

The Department has a model fish farm for research, training and demonstration of commercialization of our research output. This farm has become a prototype for other Departments of Fisheries Management in Nigerian Universities and private sectors who want to invest in commercial aquaculture.  The academic programmes for Aquaculture and Fisheries Management are taught from the scientific and Resource Management background and for food production.  Other strongholds of the Department curricula are entrepreneurship skill, environmental management and conservation of renewable natural resources for sustainable development and benefit of mankind. This phenomenon is in consonance with the philosophy underlying all the programmes in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry of the University of Ibadan.  In addition, students are practically exposed to specialized areas of aquaculture and fisheries management in order to make them self-reliant at the completion of their studies.

Over the years both undergraduates and graduates students from Africa, Asia and Canada have successfully trained in the Department and are now gainfully employed.  The products of the Department occupy key positions in different walks of life where they make significant contributions to national and international Fisheries development.

The programmes run by the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management of University Ibadan therefore, represent a giant stride towards meeting challenges of ensuring continuous, sustainable rational exploitation of valuable fisheries resources and biodiversity for food security and livelihoods. It is envisioned in the underlying philosophy of the programmes which are based on developing graduates with sound knowledge and skills for managing and conserving renewable natural resources for socio-economic enhancement of our environment.

Staff within the Department has served locally and internationally with organizations such as the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON), Catfish Farmers Association of Nigeria (CAFAN), F.A.O., UNDP, IFAD, CORAF/WECARD etc.  This provides further, the competency of our trainers and indeed, our relevance to local and global manpower needs.