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Social and Environmental Forestry

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Department of Social and Environmental Forestry, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Ibadan. The Department which was established in August 01, 2017, is a second generation offspring of the renowned defunct Department of Forestry, University of Ibadan, the first University Department of Forestry in Nigeria.

The Department of Forestry as the premier highest institution of forestry training in Nigeria which was established in 1963 has contributed greatly to forestry development in Nigeria, West Africa sub region, Africa and the world at large. The Department having trained most of the forestry professionals in Nigeria and some in different parts of the globe who are contributing to sustainable forestry development across the world.

The Department of Social and Environmental Forestry by providence partakes of and benefits from the wealth of experience in forestry development from generations of seasoned and thorough bred forestry professionals in academia, public service and private sectors.

With the full complement of diversity of specialisations and expertise, diligent, committed and affable staff, the Department is well poised to offer sound and impactful training in the special field of Social and Environmental Forestry.

The Department which offers Bachelor of Forestry degree as well as M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Forest Economics and Governance; Forest Biometrics and Information System as well Urban and Environmental Forestry, has specialisations and sub specialisations in Forest Economics, Forest Management, Forestry Extension, Forest Governance, Forest Institutions, Forest Mensuration and Remote Sensing, Forest Biometrics, Forest Information System (application of Geographic Information Science), Urban Forestry and Environmental Forestry.

Our amiable staff interacts freely and provide effective guidelines for students in the Department on how to get the best out of their time and trainings in the University.

Kindly check the Departmental prospectus for available courses and programmes at undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. The requirements for students at each level are well spelt out to assist students achieve academic excellence.

Students are therefore encouraged to make the best use of this prospectus to ensure a fruitful and successful sojourn especially in this Department and in this great Citadel of learning.

Thank you.