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Courses and Description


Outline of undergraduate courses available in the Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management are as follows:  The average minimum units taken at each Level should be 40 units. The minimum units to be passed (including all compulsory courses) at each Level by students in order to proceed to the next Level should be 60% of 40 units


Course Code Course Title Units Status 
GES 101The Use of English2C
GES 107Reproductive Health, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and HIV2R
SEF 110Mathematics for Natural Resources Management3C
BOT 111Cryptogamic Botany3R
BOT 121Introductory to Biology of Phanerograms3R
BOT 141Basic Principles of Botany3C
CHE 126Inorganic Chemistry3R
CHE 156Physical Chemistry4R
CHE 176Organic Chemistry 13C
CHE 191Practical Chemistry2C
PHY 101Physics for Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine4R
ZOO 112The Mammalian Body3E
ZOO 114Principle of Cell Biology and Genetics2R
ZOO 115Introductory Ecology2E
ZOO 116Introductory Invertebrate Zoology2R
ZOO 117Introductory Vertebrate Zoology2R
ZOO 118Practical Zoology2R
 Total Number of Units [C=13; R=27; E=5] 45.0 



            200 LEVEL


Course Code Course Title Units Status 
GES 102African Cultures and Civilisation2R
GES 103Government, Society and the Economy2R
GES 201The Use of English II2C
AFM 212Extension in Renewable Natural Resources2R
SEF 222Introduction to Nigeria Climate and Renewable Natural Resources 2R
FPP 221Introduction to Forest Soils and Aquatic Sediments2R
AFM 210Introduction to Aquatic Resources Management2R
AFM 211Introduction to West African Fish and Fisheries2C
AFM 220Nigeria Water Resources2C
FPP 210Introduction to Chemical Properties of Renewable Natural Products2C
FRM 210Introduction to Forest Resources Management3C
FPP 211Introduction to Renewable Produce Utilization2C
FPP 220Introduction to Biological Productivity & Ecosystem Processes2C
SEF 210Introduction to Forest Resources Management2C
SEF 220 Introduction to Renewable Resource Economics2C
SEF 221Introduction to Remote Sensing & GIS in RNR3R
WEM 210Introduction to Wildlife Domestication 2R
WEM 211Introduction to West African Wildlife Resources2C
WEM 221 Introduction to Ecotourism & Hospitality 2C
ABN 200Introduction to Agricultural Biochemistry2R
VAN 225Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology2C
 Total Number of Units [C=18; R=25] 43 
Course CodeCourse TitleunitsC/R/E
AFM 317Hydrobiology2E
GES 106Philosophy and Logic2R
GES 301Introduction to Entrepreneurial Skills2R
SEF 311Resource Inventory and Mensuration3E
SEF 315Forest Economics2C
SEF 318Introduction to Land Use Planning2E
SEF 320Forest Biometrics 13C
WEM 310Food Nutrition Standards, Law and Quality Control2C
WEM 311Wildlife Ecology, Population Analysis and Management2C
WEM 312Principles of Wildlife and Range Management2C
WEM 313Principles of Conservation in Tropical Area2E
WEM 314Principles of Park Planning, Mgt. and Administration2R
WEM 315Introduction to Tourism2C
WEM 316Introduction to Wildlife and Ecotourism  Extension2R
WEM 317Wildlife and Fisheries Environmental Management2R
WEM 318Introduction to Herpetology2R
WEM 319Geographical Survey and Information Practice2C
WEM 321Wildlife Genetics and Animal Breeding2R
WEM 322Metabolic Interrelationship in Fish and Wildlife2R
WEM 324Ecotourism in Protected Areas2C
WEM 325Wildlife Pests and Diseases2C
WEM 326Wildlife Business Management and Marketing2R
WEM 327Food and Beverages Production Techniques2C
WEM 328Introduction to Transport Operations and Travel Agency2R
WEM 329Principles of Recreation and Ecotourism2C
 Total Number of Units [C=23; R=20; E=9]52 



Course CodeCourse TitleunitsC/R/E
AFM 429Aquatic Ecological Survey3E
AFM 426Aquaculture Engineering and Pond Management3C
AIT 425Agricultural Industrial Training6C
SEF 413Aerial Survey and Photo-biometry3E
SEF 417Forest biometrics II3E
WEM 411Biodiversity, Conservation and Management2C
WEM 412Tourism Organization and Travel Planning2C
WEM 413Ecotourism Planning and Management2C
WEM 415Hotel, Catering and Hospitality Management2C
WEM 416Aqua Tourism and Fisheries Recreation2C
WEM 420Wildlife Ecological Survey2C
WEM 421Wildlife Stock Assessment2C
WEM 422Laboratory Analytical Techniques in Wildlife & Hospitality Management2C
WEM 423National Park and Game Reserve Management2C
WEM 424Training in Firearms and Ballistics2C
WEM 425Park Planning and Interpretation2C
WEM 426Road and Bridge Construction in Wildlife Reserve2C
WEM 427Zoo Management and Museum Techniques2C
WEM 428Animal Capture Techniques2C
 Total Number of Units [C=37, E=9]46 



Course CodeCourse TitleunitsC/R/E
WEM 510Food, Beverages and Hospitality Management3C
WEM 511Wildlife Administration, Legislation and Conservation3C
WEM 512Hotel and Catering Management3C
WEM 515Management of Game Birds3R
WEM 516Wildlife Extension and Education3R
WEM 518Seminar3C
WEM 519Special Project4C
WEM 520Ecotourism, Economics, Marketing, Publicity and Trade3C
WEM 522Wildlife Utilization3R
WEM 523The Concepts of Park and Zoo Management3R
WEM 524Game Ranching and Domestication3R
WEM 527Wildlife Nutrition3C
WEM 528Aquatic Tourism and Fisheries Recreational Planning3C
 Total Number of Units [C=25; R=15]40 

100 and 200 LEVELS

Old CourseNew Course
Course Code

Course Title and Description


Course Code

Course Title and Description


AGE 110

Mathematics in Agriculture:

Mathematical principles with special applications to agricultural problems. Elementary properties of set. Linear economic models and matrix algebra. Algebraic functions and economic relationships. Comparative statics and the concept of derivatives. Rules o differentiation and their applications in comparative statics. Integral calculus. Constrained and unconstrained optimization and its economic applications. Natural exponential functions and the problem of growth. Economic dynamics and their applications.

Semester 1; LH 45;  PH -; 3U; Status: C

SEF 110

Mathematics for Natural Resources Management:

Limits, continuity, derivatives, mean value theorem, extrema, curve sketching, graphing, exponential growth and decay, related rates, sequences, limits and continuity, differentiation of the trig, log, and exponential functions, maxima and minima, optimization, L' Hospital's Rule,  antiderivatives,  basic integration techniques, with particular motivations from and application to the Biological Sciences.

One-variable differential calculus to model and analyze phenomena in the Biological Sciences.

Semester 1; LH 45;  PH -; 3U; Status: C

New course. To replace AGE 110
AED 210

Introduction to Agricultural Extension:

Meaning and objectives of agricultural extension, role of extension worker, history and organisation of extension services in Nigeria, selected extension methods and techniques, the extension process method, meaning of rural sociology, rural leadership pattern and community organisation.  Principles and philosophy of extension communication, extension teaching processes and adult learning.

Semester 2; LH 30; PH -; 2U; Status: C

RNR 210

Extension in Renewable Natural Resources (RNR):

Definition, function and principles of renewable natural resources extension. History of extension. Concepts of RNR Extension, Macro and Micro Institutional Factors influencing RNR extension.

Responsibilities and selection of extension personnel. Selected extension methods and techniques. Principles and philosophy of extension communication. Extension teaching processes and adult learning. Approaches to extension work

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

New course. To replace AED 210
AGY 212

Introduction to Agroclimatology

Heat and water balance of the earth.  Evaporation and evapotranspiration, irrigation and drought in relation to agriculture.  Crop forecasts. Climate of West Africa.  Climatic maps. 

Semester :1, LH 30; PH 0; 2U; P. -.

RNR 220

Introduction to Nigerian Climate and Renewable Natural Resources:

West African climate and ocean current flow. Climatic maps. Hydrological cycles and heat exchange in forest and aquatic environments. Climate forecast in agroforestry systems. Maladaptation of species to climatic variation. Carbon sequestration and CO2 fertilization. Green house effects in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

New course. To replace AGY 212
SOS 210

Elements of Soil Science

Soil, its origin and formation; physical and chemical properties of soil; soil moisture, soil survey and classification, soils colloids, soil reaction in relation to nutrient requirements and mineral nutrition of plants; general introduction to fertilizers, soil aorganic matter and soil organisms (soil biology), special reference to West Africa and Nigeria.  

Semester:  LH 15; PH 45; 2U; P -.

RNR 221

Introduction to Forest Soils and Aquatic Sediments:

Formation and classification, and properties of forest soils. Solid, liquid and gaseous phases of soil. Movement in forest soils. Plan nutrient acquisition and use.  Humus and biogeochemical substances. Sustainable utilization of forest soils. Aquatic soil structure and texture. Aquatic soil sediment chemistry and diagenesis. Biological processes in organic matter degradation. Aquatic soil-water interactions.

Semester: 2 LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R.

New course. To replace SOS 210
ANS 210

Principles of Animal Production:

Animal Production and its development.

The livestock industry- problem and prospects. Description of the breeds of cattle, sheep, goat, pigs, poultry and rabbits. Systems of livestock production. Feeding habit of farm animals. Principles of breeding and of livestock judging. General principles of management of the different types of farm animals.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

AFM 210

Introduction to Aquatic Resources Management:

Principles of fish management in inland and marine environments. Assessment of Nigeria’s aquatic and fisheries resources. Aquaculture systems. Highlights of standard culture procedures of finfish and shell fish. Species selection (genetics and cultural basis). Biological and environmental principles in fish culture. Fish enhancement practices, fishing methods and sustainable exploitation of inland and marine fisheries resources.

Semester1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R


New course. To replace ANS 210
WFM 211

West African Fish and Wildlife

Classification, Morphology, Evolution and Life Cycles of principal species of animal Management Involved in Fishery, Wildlife, and Range.  Status of species composition.

Semester 2; LH 30; PH 45; 3U; Status: C

AFM 211

Introduction to West African Fish and  Fisheries:

Classification, Morphology, Evolution and Identification of selected West African freshwater fish species. Definition and Types of Fisheries in West Africa in relation to activity, water body and gear.

Semester ; LH 30; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New course. To replace WFM 211




 AFM 220

Nigerian Water Resources:

Different types of water environment i.e. marine, estuarine and fresh water.  Hydrological system of Nigeria, River Basins, Features of Nigerian wetland and water shed. Flora and fauna of economic importance in Nigerian water.  Aquatic pollution sources in major water bodies and control measures.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New course.
ABN 200

Introduction to Agricultural Biochemistry

Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Vitamins and their coenzyme functions. Minerals. The nature, classification and function of enzymes and hormones

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

ABN 200

Introduction to Agricultural Biochemistry

Chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Vitamins and their coenzyme functions. Minerals. The nature, classification and function of enzymes and hormones

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

No Change
  FPP 210

Introduction to Chemical Properties of Forest Produce:

Introduction to cell wall properties of forest produce. Fibre morphology and analysis. Composition of cell wall structure. Mechanical behaviour of wood polymer. Properties and derivatives of cellulose. Nutrient constituents of aquatic and wild animals. Compositional value of dietary flora species.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

New Course
  FPP 211

Introduction to Timber and non-timber forest products utilization:

Forest products, definition and scope, types of products and classification, Timber and non-timber products non-wood forest products, utilization of Forest produce.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New course.
AGY 210

Introduction to General Agriculture (Crops)

Origins and development of agriculture as an art and science, historical development of Nigerian agriculture; branched of agriculture; characteristic features of tropical agriculture in relation to production including soil management; agriculture and the Nigerian economy.

Semester 1: LH 15; PH 45; 3U; Status: C

FPP 220

Introduction to Biological Productivity and Ecosystem Processes:

Primary and secondary productivity in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Photosynthesis and respiration. Energy flow in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Nutrient and biogeochemical cycles. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Vegetation analysis and biomass assessment.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New course. To replace AGY 210.
FRM 210

Introduction to Forest Resources Management

Renewable natural resources, availability, distribution and potentials in relation to the needs of society, organization of forest and wildlife services. Introduction to forest taxonomy.

Semester 1&2; LH 30; PH 45; 3U; Status: C

SEF 210

Introduction to Forest Resources Management:

Renewable natural resources availability, distribution and potentials in relation to the needs of society, organization of forest and wildlife services. Introduction to forest taxonomy.

Semester: LH 15: PH 45: 2U: Status: C

Modified to fit into new faculty
AGE 210

Introduction to Agricultural Economics

Basic microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts in agriculture and Nigerian economy. Roles of agricultural economics, consumer theory, the theory of production and cost, market equilibrium analysis, perfect and imperfect markets. National income accounting, money and banking, theories of international trade, theory of factor endowment and comparative advantage. Agriculture as an economic activity, economic problems facing agriculture in Nigeria, agriculture and the rural economy, and scope of agricultural economics.

Semester 1; LH 45; PH -; 3U; Status: C

SEF 220

Elements of Natural Resource Economics:

Types of natural resources. Review of basic economic concepts and economic Approach. Economic view of natural resources.

Economic efficiency. Allocation of resources, and equity. Efficient utilization of forest resources Principles of sustainable utilization of natural resources.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New course. To replace AGE 210
AGE 201

Introduction to Computer Science in Agriculture

Introduction to information technology; computer hardware; storage; communication; application of software; types of software; social, ethical and economic issues relating to IT.

Semester 2; LH 30; PH 45; 3U; Status: R

SEF 221

Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems in Renewable Natural Resources:

Definition, history and evolution of Remote Sensing (RS). Remote Sensing Systems. Basics of aerial photography. Cameras, films, filters and film density. Characteristic curves, Exposure interval, resolution and satellite imagery. Difference between maps and aerial photographs. Definition and components of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Data types in GIS. Computer applications in RS/GIS,

Semester 2: LH 30: PH 45: 3U: Status: R

New course. To replace AGE 201
ANS 210

Principles of Animal Production:

Animal Production and its development.

The livestock industry- problem and prospects. Description of the breeds of cattle, sheep, goat, pigs, poultry and rabbits. Systems of livestock production. Feeding habit of farm animals. Principles of breeding and of livestock judging. General principles of management of the different types of farm animals.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

WEM 210

Introduction to Wildlife Domestication:

Definition and history of domestication. Principles of domestication. Tamed animals. Criteria for selection of species for domestication. Husbandry techniques, food habits and preferences. Transportation, reproduction, safety, and precautionary measures in handling wild animals. Benefits of species domestication.

Semester 1 ; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

New course. To replace ANS 210
WFM 211

West African Fish and Wildlife

Classification, Morphology, Evolution and Life Cycles of principal species of animal Management Involved in Fishery, Wildlife, and Range.  Status of species composition.

Semester 2; LH 30; PH 45; 3U; Status: C

WEM 211

Introduction to West African Wildlife Resources:

Ecological interrelationships to vegetative zones. Identification, range, morphology and status classification of wildlife. Animal behavior introduction. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red-list. Important bird areas. Protected areas.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

Replace WFM 211

HED 210















ABN 220

Introduction to Home Economics

Definition and history of Home economics;

Concepts: Objectives and philosophy of home economics; Improving family living through home management; Food consumption pattern; Food nutrition; Theory of consumer behaviour; Food preservation and Methods of cooking

Semester 1; LH 30; PH 45; 3U; Status: R


Introduction to Food Science and Technology

Definition and scope of food science and technology. Food distribution and marketing. Food and its functions. Food habits, food poisoning and its prevention. Principles of food processing and preservation methods. Deterioration and spoilage of foods, other post harvest changes in food. Contamination of foods from natural sources. Composition and structures of Nigerian/West African foods; factors contributing to texture, colour, aroma and flavour of food. Cost, traditional ethnic influences of food preparation and consumption pattern.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

WEM 221

Introduction to Ecotourism and Hospitality Management:

Principles of ecotourism, and hospitality management. Introduction to transportation and tourism. Travel agencies and tour operators. Hotel set up, functions and classification. Control measures to check pilfering and wastages. General hygiene and environmental practices for effective service delivery. Work ethics in a fast changing industry.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New course. To replace HED 210 and ABN 220







  WEM 211

Introduction to West African Wildlife resources


Ecological interrelationships to vegetative zones, identification, range and status classification of wildlife species, Introduction to animal  behavior, IUCN red list criteria and classification, Important bird areas/protected area criteria and classification

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New Course

Prof. G.A Lameed

Dr. A. A. Alarape

Dr. T. A. Adeyanju



  WEM 221

Introduction to Ecotourism and Hospitality Management:

Principles of ecotourism, and hospitality management. Introduction to transportation and tourism. Travel agencies and tour operators. Hotel set up, functions and classification. Control measures to check pilfering and wastages. General hygiene and environmental practices for effective service delivery. Work ethics in a fast changing industry.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

New Course

DR. A. A. Alarape

Dr. Mrs. Funmi Ajani

Mrs. Oluwakemi Apata

Mr. O. O. Oluyisola

  WEM 210

Introduction to Wildlife Domestication:

Definition and history of domestication. Principles of domestication. Tamed animals. Criteria for selection of species for domestication. Husbandry techniques, food habits and preferences. Transportation, reproduction, safety, and precautionary measures in handling wild animals. Benefits of species domestication.

Semester 1 ; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

New Course

Dr. A. A. Alarape

Dr. Abosede Omononona

Prof. G.A. Lameed



AFM 317


Types of aquatic habitat. Study and identification of the characteristics of flora and fauna in the tropical fresh water and coastal swamps. The ecology, utilisation and management of aquatic flora and fauna. Characteristics of the aquatic fauna and flora. Algal blooms and eutrophication.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 30; 2U; Status E

AFM 317


Types of aquatic habitat. Study and identification of the characteristics of flora and fauna in the tropical fresh water and coastal swamps. The ecology, utilisation and management of aquatic flora and fauna. Characteristics of the aquatic fauna and flora. Algal blooms and eutrophication.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 30; 2U; Status E

FRM 311

Resources Inventory and Mensuration:

Quantitative and qualitative sampling of forest resources including timber, wildlife and fish, inventory instruments and their uses.

Semester I: LH 15: PH 45: 3U: Status C

SEF 311

Resources Inventory and Mensuration

Quantitative and qualitative sampling of forest resources including timber, wildlife and fish, inventory instruments and their uses.

Semester I: LH 15: PH 45: 2U: Status E

Change of course code 
FRM 315

Forest Economics I

Classification of forest goods, services; and forest service’s functions; review of economics principles in relation to forest resources; Theory of forestry investment analysis; and economic development in relation to natural resources.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

SEF 315

Forest Economics I:

Classification of forest goods, services; and forest service’s functions; review of economic principles in relation to forest resources; Theory of forestry investment analysis; and economic development in relation to natural resources.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: C

Change of course code 
FRM 318

Introduction to Land-use Planning

Land-use diagnosis; Land capability classification; Study of landscape utilization; Land-use possibilities; and Impact of forest land-se on stream flow and water quality management – irrigation, upstream and downstream management.

Semester 1; LH: 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

SEF 318

Introduction to Land-use Planning

Land-use diagnosis; Land capability classification; Study of landscape utilization; Land-use possibilities; and Impact of forest lands on stream flow and water quality management – irrigation, upstream and downstream management.

Semester 1; LH: 15; PH 45; 2U; Status: E

Change of course code 
FRM 320

Forest Biometrics I

Application of Basic biometrics techniques to problems in forest resources management.

Semester 2; LH30; PH 45; 2U; Status: R

SEF 320

Forest Biometrics I:

Concept of population and samples. Concept of hypothesis testing. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics. Principles of experimental design. Basic statistical methods for analyzing biological data.

Semester 2; LH30; PH 45; 3U; Status: C

Modified. Change of course code 

WEM 316


Introduction to Wildlife and Ecotourism Extension

Meaning and Objectives of Wildlife and Ecotourism Extension; Principles of extension communication; qualities and roles of extension workers; selected extension methods and techniques

Semester 1 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R

New CourseDr. Funmi Ajani
WEM 320

Food Nutrition, Standards, Law and Quality Control

Definition and importance of food standards and legislations. Food and drug decrees of Nigeria. Food standards and regulations and legislation of Nigeria. Principles and methods of food quality control. Quality control charts. Parametric and non-parametric experiments. Sensory evaluation. Taste theories. Taste testing and panels.

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: R

WEM 310

Food Nutrition, Standards, Law and Quality Control

Definition and importance of food standards and legislations. Food and drug decrees of Nigeria. Food standards and regulations and legislation of Nigeria. Principles and methods of food quality control. Quality control charts. Parametric and non-parametric experiments. Sensory evaluation. Taste theories. Taste testing and panels.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: R

 Change in Course codeOluwakemi Apata
WEM 311

Wildlife Ecology, population analysis and Management

Wildlife in relation to their environment. Factors affecting the distribution and abundance of wildlife. Interrelationship between climate, Soils vegetation, history and wildlife population characteristics as related to reproduction and mortality factors. Movement, behaviour, lifecycle, reproduction, food and feeding habits of wildlife. Nature and efficient usage of rangeland in West Africa. Methods of range assessment and management.

Population analysis Method of studying Animals numbers and distribution; Relative & Absolute Densities. Reproduction and survival rates, sex and age. Determination handling and marking methods – Life table and population; behavior and ecology Field trips. Differences. Distribution and abundance of species population

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: C

WEM 311

Wildlife Ecology, population analysis and Management

Wildlife in relation to their environment. Factors affecting the distribution and abundance of wildlife. Interrelationship between climate, Soils vegetation, history and wildlife population characteristics as related to reproduction and mortality factors. Movement, behaviour, lifecycle, reproduction, food and feeding habits of wildlife. Nature and efficient usage of rangeland in West Africa. Methods of range assessment and management.

Population analysis Method of studying Animals numbers and distribution; Relative & Absolute Densities. Reproduction and survival rates, sex and age. Determination handling and marking methods – Life table and population; behavior and ecology Field trips. Differences. Distribution and abundance of species population

Semester 2; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: C

No ChangeDr. A.A. Alarape, Dr O.M Coker
WEM 312

Principles of Wildlife and Range Management

Manipulation Of Habitats And Animals Numbers For Desired Management Objectives. Principal Range Types In West Africa and application of ecological principles in the management of grazing lands.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: C

WEM 312

Principles of Wildlife and Range Management

Manipulation Of Habitats And Animals Numbers For Desired Management Objectives. Principal Range Types In West Africa and application of ecological principles in the management of grazing lands.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: C

No Change

Dr. A. F. Akinyemi

Dr. T. A. Adeyanju

WEM 313

Principles of Conservation in Tropical Area

Conservation of critical ecosystem such as water sheds, hilly areas, grazing lands, open pits – miming areas, areas of broken topography and marginal environment. Preservation of endangered species of plants and animals.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: R

WEM 313

Principles of Conservation in Tropical Area

Conservation of critical ecosystem such as water sheds, hilly areas, grazing lands, open pits – miming areas, areas of broken topography and marginal environment. Preservation of endangered species of plants and animals.

Semester 1; LH 15; PH 15; 2U; Status: R

No Change

Dr. A. F. Akinyemi

Dr. T. A. Adeyanju

Dr. O. M Coker

WEM 314

Principles of Park Planning, Management and Administration

Policies of National Park, Management Objectives; National Parks’ Organogram and implementation; Planning for new park strategy; Modus operandi of park; functioning and static model. Possibility of National Park commercialization, cost and benefit of National Park Management; Job opportunities and self reliance in parks management.

Semester 2; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U; Status: R

WEM 314

Principles of Park Planning, Management and Administration

Policies of National Park, Management Objectives; National Parks’ Organogram and implementation; Planning for new park strategy; Modus operandi of park; functioning and static model. Possibility of National Park commercialization, cost and benefit of National Park Management; Job opportunities and self reliance in parks management.

Semester 2; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U; Status: R

No Change

Prof. G. A. Lameed, Dr. S. O. Ojo


WEM 317

Wildlife and Fisheries Environment Management

Definition; Tropical environment; Developmental issues in environment. Conceptual framework for environmental management. Role and function of environmental impact. Natural environment component.

Semester 2; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R 

WEM 317

Wildlife and Fisheries Environment Management

Definition; Tropical environment; Developmental issues in environment. Conceptual framework for environmental management. Role and function of environmental impact. Natural environment component.

Semester 2; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R 


No ChangeProf. G. A. Lameed, Dr. Funmi Ajani
WEM 318


Introduction to reptiles; classification and characteristics of reptiles; Evolution, anatomy physiology and reproduction of African reptiles; Feeding and contribution; Economic importance.

Semester 1 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R

WEM 318

Introduction to Herpetology

Introduction to reptiles; classification and characteristics of reptiles; Evolution, anatomy physiology and reproduction of African reptiles; Feeding and contribution; Economic importance.

Semester 1 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R

Course TitleDr. A. F Akinyemi, Dr. O.M Coker
WEM 319

Geographical  Survey and Information Practice

Principle of GIS; Introduction, historical development

Components of GIS; data mgt analysis procedure

Geographic Data; modelling, coordinates

Maps; Remote sensing; Global positioning Systems; Survey methods; Image processing and enhancement

Introduction to GIS computer applications

Semester 1 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : C

WEM 319

Geographical  Survey and Information Practice

Principle of GIS; Introduction, historical development

Components of GIS; data mgt analysis procedure

Geographic Data; modelling, coordinates

Maps; Remote sensing; Global positioning Systems; Survey methods; Image processing and enhancement

Introduction to GIS computer applications

Semester 1 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : C

No Change
  1. A Oluyisola
WEM 325

Wildlife Pest And Diseases

Classification and biology of major pests and diseases of wild animals and plants. Natural pests and diseases control among wild animals. Documentation of wild curative plant species available in West African Ecosystem.

Semester 2 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R

WEM 325

Wildlife Pest And Diseases

Classification and biology of major pests and diseases of wild animals and plants. Natural pests and diseases control among wild animals. Documentation of wild curative plant species available in West African Ecosystem.

Semester 2 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R

No ChangeDr. Abosede Omonona
WEM 321

Wildlife Genetics and Animal Breeding

Basic concepts of genetics. Laws of inheritance (+), natural and induced breathing, artificial insemination techniques for wild animals in captivity. Wildlife improvement through cross-breeding.

Semester 2 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R

WEM 321

Wildlife Genetics and Animal Breeding

Basic concepts of genetics. Laws of inheritance (+), natural and induced breathing, artificial insemination techniques for wild animals in captivity. Wildlife improvement through cross-breeding.

Semester 2 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R

No ChangeDr. O. M Coker
WEM 326

Wildlife Business Management and Marketing

Wildlife curio values; Aesthetic values of natural and sources, trade and conservation status; The importance of National and International Organization in Wildlife and protection (NCF, IUCN, WWF, TRAFFIC). Wildlife husbandry and Domesticated species – snail, rats, bees. Markets and market values of consumptive and non-consumptive resources.

Semester 2 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R




WEM 326

Wildlife Business Management and Marketing

Wildlife curio values; Aesthetic values of natural and sources, trade and conservation status; The importance of National and International Organization in Wildlife and protection (NCF, IUCN, WWF, TRAFFIC). Wildlife husbandry and Domesticated species – snail, rats, bees. Markets and market values of consumptive and non-consumptive resources.

Semester 2 ; LH 15 ; PH 15 ; 2U ; Status : R



No ChangeProf G. A. Lameed
WEM 322

Metabolic Interrelationship in Fish and Wildlife

Wildlife, their composition and Food, Water metabolism, chemistry and metabolism of carbohydrate, lipids, proteins, hormones, vitamins, minerals and antibiotics, energy transfer system, general cell and molecular Biology, biochemistry of growth, maintenance and reproduction.

Semester 2 ; LH 30 ; PH 15 ; 3U ; Status : C

WEM 322

Metabolic Interrelationship in Fish and Wildlife

Wildlife, their composition and Food, Water metabolism, chemistry and metabolism of carbohydrate, lipids, proteins, hormones, vitamins, minerals and antibiotics, energy transfer system, general cell and molecular Biology, biochemistry of growth, maintenance and reproduction.

Semester 2 ; LH 30 ; PH 15 ; 3U ; Status : C

No ChangeDr. Abosede Omonona, Dr. Funmi Ajani