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Academic Programme


The M. Sc., M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees are offered in the Department of Forest Production and Products.  Master of Science (M. Sc.) programme is 18 months and consists of two semesters of lectures and practical sessions with examinations followed by a semester for a study project and dissertation.  Admission is normally open to University graduates in Forestry, Environmental Management, Agriculture, the Biological Sciences or any other relevant discipline.  This programme is essentially an advanced training course for specialist workers.  The period of study may be, in some cases, extended to 2 sessions.  Individual student may be required to offer some prescribed remedial courses without which they cannot graduate.

The Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) requires a minimum of four semesters full-time study after registration or six semesters for part-time candidates.  Further courses and examinations are required but the programme is mainly devoted to work on a research project leading to an original dissertation.  A candidate who has satisfied the requirements for M.Sc. may apply for permission to transfer to M.Phil. Programme. The M.Sc degree would qualify candidates to proceed to M.Phil/ Ph.D. or Ph.D.

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) requires a minimum of six semesters full-time or eight semesters for part-time study. The principal examination is based on the thesis, which must show evidence of the candidate’s ability to draw significant conclusions from his own research. 

Each of the higher degrees thus requires an initial period of study, normally lasting at least one year.  At the end of this year, the two research degrees M.Phil and Ph.D. may be completed after one or two further years of full-time with a corresponding increase of the minimum period.  It is, therefore, possible for an officer in the Administration or in a research institute to return to his base after a year study leave and continue to work for the degree. The M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes in the Department are available in four areas of specialization:

  1. Forest Genetics and Silviculture
  2. Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Management
  3. Forest Products, Processing and Utilisation
  4. Forest Products Chemistry

Areas of Research

The areas of research available in the Department include: 

  • silviculture, forest biology 

  • forest ecology, forest botany, quantitative plant ecology 

  • forest soils, biodiversity management and conservation

  • forest hydrology, forest and climate change 

  • agroforestry, environmental impact assessment 

  • forest taxonomy, traditional and indigenous forest management 

  • phyto-medicine, herbal medicine, phytochemistry

  • tree improvement, forest genetics, tree breeding and domestication 

  • forest pathology, forest entomology, plant ecophysiology 

  • forest products preservation, wood anatomy and properties 

  • biomass and renewable energy utilisation, non-timber forest products utilisation 

  • forest operations, forest ergonomics, forest survey 

  • primary wood industries and products, forest products engineering 

  • pulp and paper production, bioassay, plantation forestry 

Admission Requirements

M.Sc. degree

Holders of B.Sc. degrees in Forestry and other related disciplines from recognized universities, with at least a Second Class Lower Division. In addition, all candidates must satisfy the minimum requirements of the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Ibadan which include ordinary level credit passes in at least five (5) WASCE/GCE/NECO subjects at one sitting or six (6) subjects at not more than two sittings. Credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, and any other one of Physics, Geography or Economics are accepted.

M.Sc. Programmes

  • M.Sc. Wood and Fibre Science

  • M.Sc. Forest Biology and Silviculture

M.Phil. Degree

Holders of B.Sc. degree in Forestry and other related disciplines from recognized universities, with at least a Second Class Lower division.  In addition, all candidates must satisfy the minimum requirements of the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Ibadan.

  1. First degree holders as stated above, who has attained a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 – 3.9 at the end of the three-semester M.Sc. programme in Forest Production and Products.

  2. Graduates of other Universities who have attained a total weighted average of at least 55% to 59.9% or equivalent grade point average in their respective M.Sc. examinations, seeking admission to Ph.D. programme may be provisionally admitted for M.Phil. programme on the strong recommendation of the appropriate Faculty and the approval of the Postgraduate College, provided the M.Sc. degree is comparable to the University of Ibadan degree of Masters and the candidate’s performance is judged to be equivalent.

The areas of specialization under Forest Biology and Silviculture are:

  • Forest Genetics and Silviculture

  • Forest Ecology and Biodiversity Management

The areas of specialization under Wood and Fibre Science are:

  • Forest Products, Processing and Utilisation   

  • Forest Products Chemistry

Ph.D. degree 

Holders of B.Sc. degree in Forestry and other related disciplines from recognized universities, with at least a Second Class Lower Division. In addition, all candidates must satisfy the minimum requirements of the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Ibadan.

  1. First degree holders as in 1 above, with weighted average mark of 55 to 59.9% or CGPA 4.0 to 4.9 in the course work and project for the M.Sc. degree in Forestry programmes at the University of Ibadan and is so recommended by the Department and the Faculty Postgraduate Committee may proceed to M.Phil/Ph.D  programme.

  2. Graduates of other Universities who have attained a total weighted average of at least 60% or equivalent grade point average in their respective M.Sc. examinations seeking admission to Ph.D. programme may be provisionally admitted for M.Phil/Ph.D on the strong recommendation of the appropriate Faculty and the approval of the Postgraduate College, provided the M.Sc. degree is comparable to the University of Ibadan degree of Masters and the candidate’s performance

  3. Candidates who obtain a weighted average mark of at least 60% or CGPA of at least 5.0 in the course work and project for the M.Sc. degree in Forestry programmes and other related courses of the University of Ibadan and is so recommended by the Department and the Faculty Postgraduate Committee may proceed to Ph.D  programme.

  4. Candidates who possess the M.Phil. degree qualification of the University of Ibadan in

Forestry and other related courses may be considered for Ph.D. programme not less than four semesters full time and six semesters part time provided the research focus at M.Phil. does not change, otherwise normal rule for direct Ph.D. admission from M.Sc. applies.



Admission Requirements

Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME)

Admission into the 100 level of the programme of the Department is through the University Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). A candidate must have ordinary level credit passes in at least five (5) WASCE/GCE/NECO subjects at one sitting or six (6) subjects at not more than two sittings. Credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, and any other one of Physics, Geography or Economics are accepted. 

Direct Entry Requirements

Candidates with the following qualifications are eligible for admission to 200-level:

1.         Candidates that have satisfied the above minimum O’level conditions (5 or 6 credit passes in WASCE/GCE/NECO) for admission to degree options in the Department, and in addition have passed at the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level or its equivalence in Chemistry and in at least one science or social science subject from the following:  Biology, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics (Pure and Applied), Agricultural Science, Physics, Geology, Economics and Geography.

2.         Candidates that have satisfied the above minimum O’level conditions for admission to degree options in the Department and in addition have obtained the National Diploma (ND) and NCE in relevant fields (such as Wildlife Management, Forestry Management, Agricultural Science, and any other related discipline with the required ‘O’ level subjects) with a minimum of upper credit (60-69%).  The ND must be obtained from Schools and Colleges accredited by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and recognized by University of Ibadan.

3.         Candidates that have satisfied the above minimum O’level conditions for admission to degree options in the Department and in addition have obtained the National Certificate of Education (NCE) with a minimum of credit grade (60-69%) from a Nigerian College of Education recognized by the University, and with relevant subject combinations from among:  Agricultural Science, Biology, Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.

4.         Candidates that have obtained the minimum O’level credit passes as set out above and in addition have obtained the Higher National Diploma (HND) with a minimum of upper credit (60-69%) in relevant fields (as listed above) and from Schools or Colleges accredited by the NBTE and recognized by the University.  The candidate so admitted with HND certificate will be exempted from the 12-month Practical Year Training Programme (PYTP) observed at 400 level.  However, the candidate shall benefit from the exemption only if he/she is admitted into the programme that relates to the area of his or her HND specialization.

5.         A candidate is accepted on Transfer into the Department only at 200 level if he has satisfied the UTME entry requirements into the Department and has not been withdrawn from the University.

  Course Duration                

1.         The course duration for students in the Department is 5 years (UTME mode of entry), 4 years (Direct mode of entry with ND/NCE) or 3 years (Direct mode of entry with HND).

2.         All students, except those admitted by direct entry with HND, must undergo the practical year training programme (12 months duration).

 Practical Year Training Programme (PYTP)

This is a compulsory one-year practical training programme undertaken by all 400 level students of the department. This is to enable the students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical situations adequately.

The objectives of the programme include:

  1. Knowledge through practice

  2. Greater confidence through participation and learning, and

  3. Increased impact and production through application of relevant and affordable technology.

The students move round and spend specific periods in different establishments in order to gain first hand field experience during the one year programme. The establishments include, the Forest Nursery of the Department of  Forest Production and Products, University of Ibadan, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, AG Leventis, Oluwa Forest Reserve, to mention but a few. These practical experiences prepare the students for entrepreneurship and professional careers. 

Graduation Requirements

A student is eligible for an Honours degree after having undergone a minimum of 3, 4 or 5 years. The practical year training for 12 months is compulsory for students admitted by UTME and direct entry into 200 level with ND or NCE certificate. A student is still eligible for an Honours degree after 2 extra semesters.

A UTME student must have passed a minimum of 150 units including all compulsory courses. A direct entry (ND/NCE) or transfer student must have passed at least 120 units including GES 101 and SEF 110 from the compulsory courses at 100 level and all compulsory courses at other levels. A direct entry HND student must have passed at least 90 units including GES 101 and SEF 110 from the compulsory courses at 100 level, and all compulsory courses at 200, 300 and 500 levels.

Course Evaluation

Continuous assessment shall form not more than 40% of the assessment of a student’s performance in a course. At least 75% attendance at lectures and practical’s shall qualify a student to sit for the examination in a course. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system shall be adopted to evaluate student performance from semester to semester and from one level to the next.