PUBLICATIONS (a) Chapters in books already published: 1) Ikpi, G. U. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2011): Recreational Fishing. In: Book of Reading in Forestry, Wildlife Management and Fisheries. Aiyeloja, A. A. and Ijeomah, H. M. (Eds.) pp 809-822. ISBN: 978-978-919-624-1 2) Ndimele, P. E. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2011): Emerging Issues in Aquatic pollution and Ecological Restoration. In: Book of Reading in Forestry, Wildlife Management and Fisheries. Aiyeloja, A. A. and Ijeomah, H. M. (Eds.) pp 924-952. ISBN: 978-978-919-624-1 3) Lameed, G. A. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2012): Species-Diversity Utilization of Salt Lick Sites at Borgu Sector of Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria. In: Biodiversity Enrichment in a Diverse World. Lameed, G. A. (Ed.) pp 35-62 Intech Rijeka, Croatia. ISBN: 5) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Kareem, O. K. (2013): Rice production under Integration with Fish and Pig. In: Integrated Fish Farming: Fish, Rice and Pig. Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K. and Akinwole, A. O. (Eds.) pp 81-90. Printplace Concepts Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN: 978-978-31064-6-1. (b) Articles that have already appeared in Refereed Conference Proceedings 6) Jenyo-Oni Adetola (2005). Evaluation of Fish Species in the Coastal Wetlands of Lagos State. In: Agricultural Rebirth for Improved Production in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, University of Benin. A. M. Orheruata, S. O. Nwokoro, M. T. Ajayi, A. T. Adekunle and G. N. Asumugha (Eds). Oct.9-13 2005. 128-131 7) Owodeinde, F. G., Ndimele, P. E., Jenyo-oni, A. and Onyenania, O. B. (2010): Survival, growth and feed utilization of the reciprocal hybrids of Clarias gariepinus BURCHELL, 1822) and Heterobranchus bidorsalis (GEOFFROY, 1809) in concrete tanks. Proceedings of the 25th annual conference and fair of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Ansa, E. J., Fashina-Bombata H. A. and Ndimele P. E. (Eds.) October 25-29, 2010. 292-297 8) Jenyo-Oni, A. (2012): Flora, Agricultural Crops and Aquatic plant Assessment of the Coastal Wetlands of Lagos State, Nigeria. In: De-Reservation, Encroachment and Deforestation: Implications for the future of Nigerian Forest Estate and Cabon Emission Reduction. Proceedings of the 3rd Biennial National Conference of the Forests and Forest Product Society. Onyekwelu, J. C., Agbeja, B. O., Adekunle, V. A. J., Lameed, G. A., Adesoye, P. O. and Omole, A. O. (Eds.) April 3-6, 2012. 103-107 9) Akeredolu, E. O., Ayoola, S. O., Adetola Jenyo-oni and Ayodele A. I. (2014). Assessment of water quality in some fishing site in Bitumen bearing wetlands of Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria (2014). A paper presented at National Dialogue/Exhibition on Wetlands in Nigeria, Not waste lands, Issues and Challenges held at Julius Berger Hall, December, 2012. 10) Akeredolu, E. O., Ayoola, S. O., Adetola Jenyo-oni and Ayodele A. I. (2015). Impact of bitumen exploration on aquacultural potential of some fishing site in Ondo State, bitumen bearing wetlands Southwestern Nigeria. Aquaculture, cutting edge science in Aquaculture, organised by Elsevier at Montpelier France. August 23 - 26, 2015 (c) Articles that have already appeared in Learned Journals: 11) Ayodele, I. A. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2002): Fish Resources of Lagos State Coastal Wetlands. African Journal of Livestock Extension 1: 28 – 31. 12) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Ayodele, I. A. (2002): Some Aspects of Socio-Economic Activities that affect Biodiversity of Coastal Wetlands in Lagos State Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Extension 3: 93-98. 13) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Agbeja, Y. E. (2003): Functional Roles of Wetlands: A Case Study of the Coastal Wetlands of Lagos State. Journal of Environmental Extension 4: 8–12 14) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Oguntuase, O.O. (2004): Fish Distribution, Abundance and Diversity in Majidun River, Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources 20 (2): 1-9. 15) Fafioye, O. O., Fagade, S. O., Adebisi, A. A., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Omoyinmi, G. A. K. (2005): Effects of Dietary Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) on Growth and Body Composition of` African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell) Fingerlings. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 5: 11-15. 16) Jenyo-Oni, A., Omitoyin, B. O. and Akpomiemie, E. V. (2005): Toxicity of Diquat (herbicide) to Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus. Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research 1: 58-63. 17) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Falade, L.O. (2005): Wildlife Diversity in a Previously Degraded Ecosystem: A case Study of Ogun River Forest Reserve (ORFR) Lagos State. Journal of Tropical Animal Investigation 8: 81-87. 18) Bello, M. M., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Aremu, A. (2006): Design and Fabrication of a Solar Fish Dryer. Journal of Arid Zone Fisheries 2 (1): 1-7. 19) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Gisanrin, O. T. (2006): Impact of Socio-economic Activities on Fisheries Resources of Majidun River, Ikorodu, Lagos State. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources 22 (1): 85-90. 20) Jenyo-Oni, A. (2006): Toxicological effects of Herbicide 2,4-D Amine on Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Journal of Tropical Animal Investigation 8: 1-8. 21) Jenyo-Oni, A. (2007): Gender Division of Labour in Coastal Wetlands of Lagos State. Journal of Fisheries International 2 (3): 207-210. 22) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Adetoro, A. (2007): Flora and Aquatic Plant Diversity of Coastal Wetlands of Lagos State. Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources 23 (1), 34-41 23) Ikpi, G.U., Jenyo-Oni, A., Ojo, S.O. and Akinyemi, A. (2007): Sport Fisheries Potentials of Agbokim Waterfalls, Cross River State, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences (JOAFSS) 5 (2): 112-120. 24) Adetoro, A. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2008): The primacy of womenfolk in biodiversity conservation activities. Journal of Tropical Animal Investigation 9: 1-9. 25) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Adetoro, A. (2008): Wildlife Resources of Coastal Wetlands of Lagos State. African Journal of Livestock Extension 6: 72-75. 26) Idowu, A. A., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Ayoola, S. O. (2008): Fish resources of lagoon waters of Ogun waterside Local Government Area, Ogun state, Nigeria. OBECHE 26(2): 15 – 22. 27) Falaye, A. E. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2009): Aquatic Biodiversity and the Implication in Artisanal Fishery Production. African Journal of Livestock Extension 7: 39-43. 28) Ndiemele, P. E. and Jenyo-Oni, A. and Jibuike, C. C. (2009): The level of Lead (Pb) in water, sediment and a commercially important fish species (Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus) (Lacepede 1803) from Ologe lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Extension 8: 70-75. 29) Ndiemele, P. E. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2009): Evaluation of Toxicological Impact of Nigerian Crude oil (Bonny light) to Tilapia guineensis. Journal of Environmental Extension 8: 76- 80. 30) Ikpi, G. U., Jenyo-Oni, A., Ojo, S. O. and Okay, I. B. (2009): Planktonic distribution and diversity: A case study of earthen fish ponds in the Obubra campus of Cross River University of Technology. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences (JOAFSS) 7 (2): 154-163. 31) Ndiemele, P. E. and Jenyo-Oni, A. and Jibuike, C. C. (2010): Comparative Toxicity of crude Oil, Dispersant and crude Oil - plus - Dispersant to Tilapia guineensis. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology 4 (1): 13-22. 32) Ndiemele, P. E.and Jenyo-Oni, A. and Jibuike, C. C. (2010): Investigation of Acute Toxicities of Nigerian Crude Oil, Dispersant, Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate and a Mixture of crude Oil - plus - Dispersant to Desmocaris trispinosa. American Eurasian Journal of Toxicological Sciences 2 (2): 100-107. 33) Ndiemele, P. E., Jenyo-Oni, A., Ayodele, I. A. and Jimoh A. A. (2010): The Phytoremediation of Crude Oil - Polluted environment by Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes [Mart] Solms) Journal of Livestock Extension 8: 62-66. (Contribution 40%) Nigeria. 34) Jenyo-Oni, A. (2010): Planktonic Biodiversity and Physico-chemical Parameters of Awba Reservoir, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria Journal of Environmental Extension 9: 9-16. (Contribution 100%) Nigeria. 35) Jenyo-Oni, A., Akinwole, A. O. and Dauda, A. B. (2010): Bentic Macro-Invertebrates and Physciochemical Quality of Reservoirs in University of Ibadan Fish Farm. Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research 6: 19 – 26. 36) Adetoro, A. O., Lawal, M. S. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2011): Biodiversity conservation and community participation in Kainji Lake National Park, Nigeria. Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences Research 2 (2): 218-226. 37) Bello, M. M., Jenyo-oni, A. and Akinwole A. (2011): Traditional sun and solar drying of Tilapia fish species in the semi-arid region of Nigeria. Journal of Arid Agriculture 20: 23-27. 38) O. Bernardine Wuraola and Jenyo-Oni Adetola (2011): Assessment of fish biodiversity in Oni River, Ogun state, Nigeria. International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development 1 (3), 107-113 38) Ikpi, G. U., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Offem, B. O. (2012): Effect of Season on Catch rate, Diet and Aspects of Reproduction of Clarias gariepinus (Teleostei: Clariidae) in a Tropical Waterfalls. Advances in Life Sciences 2(3): 68-74. 39) Oduntan, O. O., Soaga, J. A. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2012): Comparison of edible frog (Rana esculenta) and other bush meat types: Proximate composition, social status and acceptability. Journal of Environmental Research and Management 3(7): 124-128. 40) Ikpi, G. U., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Offem, B. O. (2012): Catch Rate, Distribution, Trophic and Reproductive Biology of the African Carp Labeo coubie in the Agbokim Waterfalls, Nigeria Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal 38: 1-13. 42) Jenyo-Oni, A. (2012): State of Wetland and Basic for Conservation of Lagos State Coastal Wetland. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources 28 (1): 77 – 89. 43) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Adepoju, M. A. (2013): Threats to Biodiversity Resources in Badagry Local Government area of Lagos State IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 3 (6): 56-61. (May - June 2013) 44) Agbeja, Y. E. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2013): Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood in the Management of Nigerian Coastal Fisheries. Nigerian Journal of Rural Sociology 13 (3): 44-55. June 2013. 45) Hassan, A. A., Jenyo-Oni, A. and Dauda A. B. (2014): Assessment of Water Quality, Ichthyofauna and Macroflora Diversity of Lower Ogun River Wetlands. World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 6 (1): 101-108, June 2014 46) Arimi, K. and Jenyo-Oni A. (2014): Improving Fish Farmers’ Climate Change Adaptation Strategies through Information Utilisation in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria: Implication for Sustainable Fish Production. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. 10(3): 281-294, June 2014 47) Jenyo-Oni, A., Hassan, A. A, and Dauda A. B. (2014): Investigation of biological condition of fish Species in lower Ogun River wetlands, Lagos, Nigeria. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 8(2): 705-710, April 2014 48) Jenyo-Oni, A., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O., Akinwole A. O., Fregene, B. T., Adesehinwa A., O. K., Kareem, O. K., Osho. E. F. and Olojo, B. O. (2014): Biological factors and performance indicators under integration of fish, poultry and rice production. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources. 30 (2), February 2014 49) Omitoyin, B. O., Adetola Jenyo-oni and Olaifa F. E. (2015): Water quality, pollution control and environmental management. In: Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K. and A. O. Akinwole eds. Training Manual on Entrepreneurship Development Training in Aquaculture Business. 90-101 50) O. K. Kareem, A. N. Olanrewaju, A. Jenyo-Oni, E. F. Osho, M. A. Akintunde (2015): Growth patterns and condition factors of some freshwater fish species in Lake Erelu, Southwestern Nigeria. Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. 12(2) 11-21 51) Bernadette Tosan Fregene and Adetola Jenyo-oni (2015): Fish Marketing. In: Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K. and A. O. Akinwole eds. Training Manual on Entrepreneurship Development Training in Aquaculture Business.79-89 52) Idowu A. A., Jenyo-Oni A., Olaoye, O. J., Ojelade, O. C. and K. A. El-Imam (2015): Analysis of fishing Technology and Fish Production by Women in Small-Scale Fishing Enterprise in Ogun Waterside LGA, Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Fisheries. 12(1), 787-794 53) Prince Emeka Ndimele, Adetola Jenyo-Oni and Kanayo S. Chukwuka (2015): Does Fertilizer (N15P15K15) amendments enhance Phytoremediation of Petroleum-Polluted Aquatic Ecosystem in the presence of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms)? Environmental Technology; 36(19): 1-46. 54) Ajani, E. K., Orisasona O. and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2015): Growth and Economic Performance of Clarias gariepinus Fry Reared at Various Stocking Densities, Journal of Fisheries Livestock production Volume 3 No. 2 1-3. 55) A. H. Oladele and A. Jenyo-Oni (2015): Bioaccumulation of metals in selected aquatic organisms in Lake Asejire, Nigeria. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 16 (2), 309-315 55) Adeshina Ibrahim, Jenyo-oni Adetola, Ajani Emmanuel Kolawole and Adewale Adetunji Yusuf (2016): Natural Occurrence of Diplostomum spp. in Farm-Raised African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from Oyo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine (Elsevier) 4, 41-45 56) Olanrewaju, A. N., Kareem, O. K., Akintunde, M. A., and Jenyo-Oni Adetola (2016): Studies on Length–weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Seven Commercially Important Freshwater Fish Species of Asejire Lake, Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 1(1) 57) Berchie Asiedu, Jenyo-Oni Adetola and Isaac Odame Kissi (2017): Aquaculture in troubled climate: Farmers’ perception of climate change and their adaptation. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 3: 1296400 58) Adesina I., Jenyo-Oni A., Ajani E. K., Emikpe B. O, Alao S.O. (2017): The Effect of Fresh Leaf Ocimum gratissimum and Dried Buds Eugenia caryophyllata Extracts on the Tissues Bacteriological Changes of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles. Bulletin of animal health and production in Africa. Bulletin des santé et production animales en Afrique; 65(1): 191-199. 59) Ibrahim Adeshina; Adetola Jenyo-Oni; Benjamin Obukowho Emikpe; Emmanuel Kolawole Ajani (2018): Effect of solvents on phytoconstituents and antimicrobial activities of Ocimum gratissimum and Eugenia caryophyllata extracts on Listeria monocytogenes. Acta Veterinaria Eurasia Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 31 – 38 60) M. M. Bello, A. Jenyo-Oni, O. D. Sule (2018): Dried Fish Spoilage: Causes And Reduction Strategies in Lake Chad Area of Nigeria. Twelfth Annual Conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria 61) Adesina I., Jenyo-Oni A., Ajani E. K., Emikpe B. O, Moshen, Abdel-Tawwab (2018): Growth, physiological, antioxidants, and immune response of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus B., to dietary clove basil, Ocimum gratissimum, leaf extract and its susceptibility to Listeria monocytogenes infection. Elsevier Journal of Fish & Shellfish Immunology Volume 78, July 2018, 346-354 63) O. Orisasona, E. K. Ajani, A. Jenyo-Oni and N. A. Olanrewaju (2018): Effects of fasting period on post-harvest flesh quality of Clarias gariepinus. Tropical Animal Production Investigations. Vol:21 (1) 33-39 62) Moshen, Abdel-Tawwab, Ibrahim Adesina, Emikpe B. Jenyo-Oni A., Ajani E. K. and Lateef O. Tiamiyu (2019): Effect of Dietary clove basil, Ocimum gratissimum, leaves extract on healing of Artificially wounded African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (B.), juveniles, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, Volume 31, No 4, 289-300 63) Ibrahim Adeshina, Benjamin O. Emikpe, Adetola Jenyo-Oni, Emmanuel K. Ajani, Musa I. Abubakar (2019): Growth performance, gut morphometry and innate immune profiles of common carp, Cyprinus carpio juveniles fed diet fortified with Mitracarpus scaber leaves extract and its susceptibility to pathogenic bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila Acta Biologica. (26):5-17. 64) Adesina I., Emikpe B. O., Abdel-Tawwab, Moshen, Jenyo-Oni A., Ajani E. K. and Abubakar Musa I. (2020): Dietary clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) buds extract stimulates the healing of Artificially wounded African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus B.) juvelines. Journal of Applied Aquaculture Volume 32 No 1. 1-13 Https:// 10454438.2020.1757009 65) Osho F.E., Jenyo-Oni, A., Ajani, E. K., Okpokpo, A.N. and Okeke E. (2020): Skin and Gut Microbiota of the African Snakehead, Parachanna obscura, Gunther, 1861 from River Ogun, Southwest Nigeria. Ife Journal of Agriculture Volume 32, Number 2, 67-78 66) Adesina I., Emikpe B. O., Jenyo-Oni A., Ajani E. K and Abubakar M. I. (2020): Haematology, Plasma Biochemistry and Serum of table size African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus, naturally infected with Listeria species in Oyo State. Comp Clin Pathol 29, 69-73. Https:// 67) Ibrahim Adeshina, Lateef O. Tiamiyu, Benjamin U. Akpoilih, Adetola Jenyo-Oni and Emmanuel K. Ajani. (2021): Dietary Mitracarpus scaber leaves extract improved growth, antioxidants, non-specific immunity and resistance of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus to Gyrodactylus malalai infestation. Aquaculture 535 pages 1-9. ScienceDirect Elsevier 68) Yewande Adetoke Sunday, Adetola Jenyo-Oni, Emmanuel Kolawole Ajani (2021): Aquatic Macrophyte Dynamics of Eleyele Lake, Ibadan, Nigeria. Pol. J. Natur. Sc., Vol 36(3): 299–319. 69) F. E. Osho, B. O. Omitoyin, E. K. Ajani, O. Orisasona, K. O. Kareem, A. Jenyo-Oni (2022): Morphometric and Meristic Variation of African Snakehead Fish Parachanna obscura, Günther, 1861 from Nigeria’s Freshwater Environment. Journal of Fisheries and Environment 46 (1), 54-65 70) Kolawole Ajani, Olugbenga Orisasona, Adetola Jenyo-Oni, Bamidele Oluwarotimi Omitoyin, Aboubacar Kane, Abimbola Olumide Adekanmbi, Kazeem Oladeji Kareem, Elijah Friday Osho (2022): Growth, gut dimension, immune change and impact of Aeromonas hydrophila in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed Onion (Allium cepa. L) fortified diets. 71) Adetola Jenyo-Oni (2023): Strategy for Sustainable Mining Activities for Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems in Africa AU-IBAR, 2023. Policy Brief edited by Joel Mokenye, Mohamed Seisay, Alberta Sagoe, and Eric Nadiope 72) Adams Iyiola and Adetola Jenyo‑Oni (2023): The influence of temporal variation of some limnological parameters on finfish assemblage in Osun River, Nigeria. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology 84:(1), 1-10 73) Onuoha, Stanley Obialo, Ajani, Emmanuel Kolawole, and Jenyo-Oni, Adetola (2024): Assessment of the Proximate and Mineral Compositions of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extracts, the Carcass and Eggs of African Clariid Catfish, Heterobranchus bidorsalis. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science. 9 (5), 2230-2240 74) Onuoha, Stanley Obialo, Ajani, Emmanuel Kolawole, and Jenyo-Oni, Adetola (2024): Haematological Characteristics 0f Heterobranchus Bidorsalis Geoffroy St. Hilaire (1809) Fed Varying Inclusion Levels Of Aqueous And Ethanolic Moringa Oleifera Leave Extracts. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science. 9 (6), 359-368 (d) Technical Report and/or Monographs: 75) Jenyo-Oni, A. and Oyebola O. O. (2013): Sustainable Waste Utilization Under Integration of Fish with Poultry and Rice. In: Omitoyin, B.O. Ajani, E.K. and Nwanna L. C. eds. Sustainable Integrated Pond Based Aquaculture with Rice and Poultry Production: Economic, Social and Environmental Assessment. Walecrown Ventures Ibadan.