PUBLICATIONS H-index: Google: 9; Scopus: 5; Research Gate: 9 Chapter in Books 1. Fadairo, O., Olajuyigbe, S., Osayomi, T., Adelakun, O., Olaniyan, O., Olutegbe, S. and Adeleke, O. (2020). Climate Change, Rural Livelihoods and Ecosystem Nexus: Forest Communities in Agro-ecological zones of Nigeria. In: Filho, W. L., Ogugu, N., Adelake, L., Ayal, D. and da Silva, I. (eds.). African Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation. Springer Nature (Living Reference), Germany. Pp. 1-22. ISBN: 978-303-045-106-6. 2. Olajuyigbe S. O., Fadairo O., Osayomi T. O. and Alabi-Adelakun O. (2020). Non-timber forest products: Linking rural livelihoods with urban lifestyles in sub-Saharan Africa. In: Kapfudzaruwa F., Kudo S., Matsuyama K. and Allasiw D. I. (eds). Rural-Urban Linkages and Sustainable Development: Case Studies from Africa. Spears Media Press, Denver Colorado. Pp. 119-132. ISBN 978-194-287-658-8. 3. Olajuyigbe, S. O. (2019). Tropical Forest a renewable natural resource. In: Olajuyigbe S. O. and Adeoluwa, O. O. (eds.): Agriculture, Renewable Natural Resources, Animal Husbandry and Health – a Textbook for GES 105. Ibadan: Ibadan University Press. ISBN 978-978-852-986-6. 4. Olajuyigbe S. (2020). Forest Ecosystem, Biodiversity and Food Security. In: Ogunsanwo, O. Y., Adewole, N. A., Oni, P. I. and Idumah, F. (eds.). Forestry Development in Nigeria: Fifty Years of Interventions and Advocacy. Exotic Dezines Ltd., Ibadan, Nigeria. P.p 199-217. ISBN 978-978-310-791-4. Journal Publications 5. Moshood, F. and Olajuyigbe S.O. (2024). Tree species composition and soil properties in a disturbed rainforest ecosystem, South-West Nigeria. Forestist DOI: 10.5152/ forestist.2023.23008 6. Olajuyigbe, S.O., Agwu, O.P. and Ezekiel, I.A. (2023). Comparative analysis of forest cover change in selected forest reserves in Oyo State Nigeria. Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies and Management 16 (3): 337-348. 7. Moshood, F.J. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2023). Causes of secondary forest loss in a lowland rainforest of Nigeria. Parks 29(2): 114-120. 8. Adaja, A.A. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2023). Exploring distinctive morphological traits in Beilschmiedia mannii Georeferenced by GPS: Implication for conservation. Nova Geodesia 3 (4): 143-143. 9. Olaniyi, A.A., Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Adegeye, A.A. (2023). Provenance variation in seedling growth of Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schum. and Thonn.) Taub. Annals of Silvicultural Research 48(1): 32–40. 10. Fadairo, O., Olajuyigbe, S., Adelakun, O., and Osayomi, T. (2023). Drivers of vulnerability to climate change and adaptive responses of forest-edge farming households in major agro-ecological zones of Nigeria. GeoJournal 88: 2153–2170. 11. van Oosten, C., Kleine, M., Burns, J., Merten, K., Akinyele, A., Olajuyigbe, S., Amoako, E.E., Makungwa, S., Nasasira, R. and Tumuluru, V (2022). Restoration Education Concept Note. 12. Adebawo, F., Ogunsanwo, O., and Olajuyigbe, S. (2022). Moisture sorption and quantitative assessment of acetylated African whitewood with infrared spectroscopic methods. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment 14 (3): 27-34. 13. Asinwa, I. O. and Olajuyigbe, S. O. (2022). Natural regeneration potential of the soil seed bank of land use types in ecosystems of Ogun River Watershed. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 38 (3): 141-51. 14. Olajuyigbe, S. and Adebo, M. (2022). Determination of leaf litter input, quality, and decomposition rates in young Nauclea diderrichii and Terminalia superba plantations in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment 14 (2) :74-85. 15. Olajuyigbe, S. and Temilola, S. (2022). Performance of Leguminous Tree Species in Sand-mined Soil Under Nursery Conditions. Indian Forester 148 (3): 272-79. 16. Olaniyi, A. A., Olajuyigbe, S. O., and Adegeye, A. O. (2022). Vegetative propagation of Tetrapleura tetraptera Taub. from stem cuttings. Vegetos 35: 978–984. 17. Akindele, E.O., Ekwemuka, M.C., Apeverga, P., Amusa, T.O., Olajuyigbe, S., Coker, O. M., Olaleru, F., Fasona, M., Usen, E. N., Ringim, A. S., Adedoja, O. A., Nsude, C. C., Ota, A. C., Oluowo, F. E., Onatunji, A. B., Adedapo, A. M., Kolawole‑Daniels, A. (2021). Assessing awareness on biodiversity conservation among Nigerians: the Aichi Biodiversity Target 1. Biodiversity and Conservation. 18. Asinwa, I., Olajuyigbe, S., Aderounmu, A., Iroko, O. and Kazeem-Ibrahim, F. (2021). Variation in soil physico-chemical properties in three land use types of Ogun River Watershed. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 90: 18-29. 19. Olajuyigbe, S.O., Oyedare, O.O., Obebe, O.O. and Coker, O.M. (2020). Growth performance, blood profiles and egg production of Coturnix japonica (Temminck and Schlegel, 1849) fed diets supplemented with Tithonia diversifolia A. Gray leaves. Animal Research International 17 (2): 3766 – 3780. 20. Olajuyigbe, S. O., Filani, S. F. and Adegeye, A. O. (2020). Impact of selective timber harvesting on residual tree species in a humid lowland rain forest of Southwest Nigeria. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 89: 29-40. 21. Olasupo, O.O., Adegeye, A.O. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2020). Evaluation of micro-fungi associated with leaf spot of Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. in Southern Nigeria. African Journal of Microbiology Research 14: 380-387. 22. Adebawo, G.F., Ogunsanwo, O.Y. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2020). Decay resistance of the acetylated tropical hardwood species. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 36: 225-232. 23. Aderounmu, A.F. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2019). The effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the early growth and development of Vitellaria paradoxa C. F. Gaertn. Applied Tropical Agriculture 24: 132 - 140. 24. Olajuyigbe, S. O. and Akwarandu, K. E. (2019). Floristic composition and stand structure in a tropical watershed forest: implications for biodiversity conservation. Environtropica 15: 79-94. 25. Olajuyigbe, S.O., Fayinminnu, O.O. and Ayoade, A.O. (2019). Phytoremediation of diesel and spent engine oil contaminated soil using Kariya (Hildergardia barteri Mast.) seedlings. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 36: 139 –149. 26. Asinwa, I.O. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2019). Water quality modification by landuse types in watershed ecosystems of Southwestern Nigeria. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 13: 1343-1359. 27. Adeagbo, A.A., Olajuyigbe, S.O., Appaigyei, B.D., Rotowa, O.J. and Oluyinka, O.M. (2019). Effects of animal raid on farming communities in Osho Forest Reserve. International Journal of Current Research in Food Science and Agriculture 1(1): 32-37. 28. Olajuyigbe, S. (2018). Green gold of Africa: Nigeria’s forest, a depleted but resilient renewable resource. Irish Forestry Journal 75 (1&2): 92 - 112. 29. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Jeminiwa, M.S. (2018). Tree species diversity and structure of Eda Forest Reserve, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Asian Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry 2 (1): 1 - 12. 30. Olajuyigbe, S.O., Omole, K.O. and Bankole, P.O. (2018). Floristic composition and diversity in a restored community-based forest, Otun Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture 23 (1): 97 - 104. 31. Asinwa, I.O., Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Adegeye, A.O. (2018). Tree species diversity, composition and structure in Ogun river watershed, southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Forestry Research and Management 15(1): 114 -134. 32. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Oluwatayo, P.P. (2017): Farmers' perception and potential contribution of bamboo-agroforestry to livelihoods in forest communities of southwest Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Forestry 47(2): 36 – 43. 33. Chukwu V.E. and Olajuyigbe, S. O. (2017). Estimation of tree biomass in three age-series of Tectona grandis Linn. F in Gambari Forest Reserve, Nigeria. Journal of Forest Science and Environment 2 (1): 9 – 15. 34. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Oloyede, M.T. (2017). Awareness on phytosanitary measures for pest control in timber processing and handling. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 5 (5): 150 -156. 35. Olajuyigbe, S. and Agbo-Adediran, A. (2015). Effect of shade and water stress on early growth and biomass accumulation of Tiama mahogany (Entandrophragma angolense (Welw.) C. DC.) seedlings. Academic Journal of Science, Vol. 4 No. 1: 27 - 36. 36. Olajuyigbe, S. O. and Akande, H. A. (2015). Effect of shade on growth of Greenwayodendron suaveolens (Engl. & Diels) Verdc. seedlings. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 14: 73 - 80. 37. Ajewole, O.I., Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Hassan, A.R. (2015). Potentials of cemeteries as urban tree conservation areas in Ibadan metropolis. Nigerian Journal of Forestry 45(1): 48 - 59. 38. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Sijuola, T.O. (2015). Phytoextraction of heavy metals from diesel oil contaminated soil using Terminalia ivorensis A. Chev. seedlings. Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research 11(2): 62 - 75. 39. Olajuyigbe, S., Tobin, B., Nieuwenhuis, M. (2014). The role of brash in augmenting forest site carbon capital and maintaining site nutrition in a Sitka spruce forest in Ireland. European Journal of Forest Research 133: 563 – 572. 40. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Adewole, O.A. (2014). Response of naturally regenerated seedlings of Pterocarpus santalinoides D. C. drought stress. Forests and Forest Products Journal 7: 64 - 70. 41. Olajuyigbe, S. O. and Aruwajoye, D. A. (2014). Phytoremediation of diesel oil contaminated soil using seedlings of two tropical hardwood species (Khaya senegalensis and Terminalia superba). International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 5(6): 1067 - 1078. 42. Olajuyigbe S.O., Adegeye, A.O. and Olorunnibe V.N. (2014). Control of Phytolyma lata (Scott.) attack on Milicia excelsa (Welw.) C. C. Berg seedlings under plantation conditions. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences 12 (2): 78 - 87. 43. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Adaja, A.A. (2014). Floristic composition, tree canopy structure and regeneration in a degraded tropical humid rainforest in Southwest Nigeria. Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 84 (1): 5 -23. 44. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Adegeye, A.O. (2013). Nursery pest management of Phytolyma lata Walker (Scott) attack on Iroko (Milicia excelsa Welw C. C. Berg) seedlings. Journal of Research in Forestry, Wildlife and Environment 6 (1): 17 - 27. 45. Olajuyigbe S.O., Akinyele A.O., Jimoh S.O. and Adegeye A.O. (2013). Tree species diversity in the Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal for Sustainable Development 3 (1): 124 -135. 46. Ajewole, O.I., Olajuyigbe, O. S. and Gbadamosi, S. (2013). Diversity and roles of amenity trees at Secretariats’ Premises in Ibadan Metropolis. Nigerian Journal of Forestry 43 (2): 68 - 77. 47. Olajuyigbe, S.O., Tobin, B., Saunders, M., Nieuwenhuis, M. (2012). Forest thinning and soil respiration in a Sitka spruce forest in Ireland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 157: 86 - 95. 48. Olajuyigbe, S., Tobin, B., Hawkins, M. and Nieuwenhuis, M. (2012). The measurement of woody root decomposition using two methodologies in a Sitka spruce forest ecosystem. Plant and Soil 360 (1-2): 77-91. 49. Olajuyigbe, S., Tobin, B. and Nieuwenhuis, M. (2012). Temperature and moisture effects on respiration rate of decomposing logs in a Sitka spruce plantation in Ireland. Forestry 85 (4): 485 - 496. 50. Olajuyigbe, S. O., Jimoh, S. O., Adegeye, A. O., Mukhtar, R. B. (2012). Drought stress on early growth of Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst ex A. Rich in Jega, Northern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 12: 71-76. 51. Olajuyigbe, S.O., Tobin, B., Gardiner, P. and Nieuwenhuis, M. (2011). Stocks and decay dynamics of above- and belowground coarse woody debris in managed Sitka spruce forests in Ireland. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 1109-1118. 52. Olajuyigbe, S. O., Ogunsanwo, O.Y. and Adegeye, A.O. (2010). Compressive strength in heartwood extract of Teak (HWE) treated hardwoods after exposure to white rot attack. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 4: 571 - 578. 53. Adegeye, A.O., Ogunsanwo, O.Y and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2009). Antifungal activities of heart wood extract (HWE) of Teak (Tectona grandis) against two white rots in woods of Gmelina arborea and Triplochiton scleroxylon. Academic Journal of Plant Sciences 2 (4): 279-285. 54. Adegeye, A.O., Ekpo, E.N. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2006). Growth predictions and nutritive value of Pleurotus tuber-regium (Fries) Singer on different substrates. Obeche Journal 25 (1): 79-83. 55. Adegeye, A.O., Ekpo, E.N. and Olajuyigbe, S.O. (2005). Growth of Pleurotus tuber-regium (Fries) Singer on three substrates using hydrogen peroxide sterilization. Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research 1 (2): 61-66. Conference Papers 56. Olajuyigbe, S.O. and Akande, V.O. (2023). Phytoremediation of Spent Engine Oil Contaminated Soil using Eucalyptus camadulensis (Dehnh) Seedlings. In Olajuyigbe, S., Olusola, J., Sobola, O. and Agwu, P. (Eds.). Sustainable Production and Consumption of Forest Products: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the International Society of Tropical Foresters, Nigeria Chapter. 14–16 February 2023. 72–78pp. 57. Olajuyigbe, S., Fadairo, O., Osayomi, T., Adelakun, O., Adeleke, O., and Olutegbe, N. (2022). 'Integrating adaptive management strategies for coping with climate change impacts on farming households in forest communities of Nigeria.' Paper presented at XV World Forestry Congress. 58. Adaja, A. A. and Olajuyigbe, S. O. (2020). Potentials of species distribution modelling in response to climate change impacts on biodiversity in Nigeria. In: Agbeja, B.O., Adetogun, A. C., Oyerinde, O.V., Olusola, J.A., and Olaniran, O.S. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd Commonwealth Forestry Association (CFA) Conference, Nigeria Chapter, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria 2-3 December, 2020. P.p. 277-282. 59. Olajuyigbe, S. O. and Adaja, A. A. (2019). Beilschmiedia mannii Robyns and Wilczek: an underutilised tree crop with great socio-economic potential. In: Adekunle, V. A. J., Ogunsanwo, O. Y., Adewole, N. A. and Oni, P. I. (eds). Sustainable Development Goals Through Appropriate Forest Management Strategies. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria, 7 -11 October, 2019. P.p 171-177. 60. Olajuyigbe, O., Agboola, F. O. and Olorunnibe, V. N. (2018). Potentials of crude extracts of Erythrophleum suaveolens for controlling Phytolyma lata attack on Milicia excelsa (Welw C.C. Berg) seedlings. In: Akinwole, A. O., Adekunle, V. A. J. and Ogunsanwo, O. Y. (eds.): Emerging Issues in Sustainable Forest Management: Experiences and Lessons for Nigeria. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria, Lagos state, Nigeria, 12 – 16 March, 2018. 648 – 654pp. 61. Olajuyigbe S. O., Olorunnibe V.N. and Oluwafor, P. E. (2017).Understorey plant species diversity and composition in a disturbed, old growth Tectona grandis (Linn. F) plantation. In: Adekunle, V. A. J., Ogunsanwo, O. Y. and Akinwole, A. O. (eds.): Harnessing the Uniqueness of Forests for Sustainable Development in a Diversifying Economy. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. 20 – 24 February, 2017. 190 – 198pp. 62. Olajuyigbe, S. O. (2016). Potential role of traditional agroforestry in climate change mitigation in rural communities of Oyo State, Nigeria. In: Ogunsanwo, O. Y. and Akinwole, A. O. (eds.): Mangrove and Wetlands of Sub-Saharan Africa: Potential for Sustainable Livelihoods and Development. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. 07 – 11 March, 2016. 598-607pp. 63. Olajuyigbe, S. O. and Banjo, T. A. (2014). Preliminary studies on the potentials of mixed indigenous plantation of Terminalia superba and Afzelia africana. In: Ogunsanwo, O. Y., Akinwole, A. O., Azeez, I. O., Adekunle, V. A. J. and Adewole, N.A. (eds.): Sudano-Sahelian Landscape and Renewable Natural Resources development in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria, 09 – 14 November 2014. 253-261pp. 64. Olajuyigbe, S. O. (2013). Sustainable development in a changing world: a review. In: Olajuyigbe, S. O., Coker, O. M. and Olaleru, F. (eds): Sustaining the Remaining Tropical Biodiversity. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Biodiversity Conference of the Nigerian Tropical Biology Association/Developing Research Among African Scientist, Lagos, Nigeria. 03 – 04 September, 2013. 102 – 111pp. 65. Ogunsanwo, O.Y., Adegeye, A. O. and Olajuyigbe, S. O. (2008). Effects of heartwood extract (HWE) of Teak and Cuprinol Clear on weight loss and compressive strength of two hardwood species from Nigeria. The 3rd International Conference on Environmentally-Compatible Forest Products, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal, 10 – 12 September 2008.