Publications: (a) Books already published Nil (b) Chapters in books already published 1 Adesehinwa, A. O. K. and Kareem, O. K. (2013). Pig Management with Fish and Rice Integration In: B. O. Omitoyin; E. K. Ajani and A. O. Akinwole (Eds.) Sustainable Integrated Pond Based Aquaculture with Rice and Pig Production: Economic, Social and Environmental Assessment. 50-61pp. ISBN- 978- 978- 31064- 6- 1 2 Kareem, O. K. and Olatunde O. M. (2022). Cage Culture: Panacea for Increase Fish Production in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Bolorunduro, P., Ajani E. K., Orisasona O. and Omitoyin B. O. (Eds.) Blue Economy, Food Security and Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Africa: The Role of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. 52-61 ISBN- 978594192-2 3 Ibikunle Funso Olaleru, Oladeji Kazeem Kareem, Ibukun O. Busari, Olorunfunmi Isinmioluwa, Charles Okereke and Titilope O. Faloye (2024). Exploring the Root and Tubers: Alternative Plant Protein Sources for Sustainable Nutrition for Aquaculture in Nigeria. In: Rajeev K. Varshney, Gabriel N. N., Abasubong K. P., Erasmus, V. N and Kamble, M. T.(Ed.) Sustainable Feed Ingredients and Additives for Aquaculture Farming: Perspectives from Africa and Asia 113 – 150. Springer ISBN 978-981-97-4278-3 4 Olaleru, I.F., Kareem, O.K., Busari, I.O., Solana, O.I., Okereke, C., Faloye, T.O. (2024). Exploring the Root and Tubers: Alternative Plant Protein Sources for Sustainable Nutrition for Aquaculture in Nigeria. In: Sustainable Feed Ingredients and Additives for Aquaculture Farming. Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa 217-240pp. Springer, Singapore. https: (c) Articles that have already appeared in Refereed Conference Proceedings: 5 Asuwaju F. P, Olanrewaju A. N., Kareem, O. K., Obande, R. A. and Omorodion, G. O. (2014): Influence of sorting strategies on growth and survival of Dutch Clarias fingerlings In: Solomon, S. D, Tiamiyu L. O. and Kolo R. J. (Eds); The Fisheries Productivity and Environmental Sustainability: Challenges on achieving the National Transformation agenda. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Benue State, 25th – 30th November, 2014. .197-200 6 Asuwaju, F. P., Olanrewaju A. N., Kareem O. K., Orisasona, O., Obande, R. A., and Omorodion, G. O. (2015): Evaluation of Growth Performance and Carcas Composition of Dutch Clarias Fed Varying Crude Protein Diets In: Lelei, K. E., Adegoke, L.A and Ekokotu, J. K. (Eds); Fisheries Subsector in a Declining Economy: Paradigm Shift for Economic Diversification and Employment Generation. Proceeding of the 30th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria. Asaba, 22nd-27th November, 2015. 184-187 7 Olanrewaju A. N., Kareem, O. K.., Ajani E. K. and Osho F. E. (2018). Sex ratio and size structure of African Snakehead, Parachanna obscura (Gunther, 1861) in Eleyele Lake, Southwest Nigeria. In: Fagbenro A. O., Ajani E. K., Magawata I., Shinkafi B. A., Ayoola S. O. and Orisasona O. (Eds.); Science, Innovation and Technology: A Tripod for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in Nigeria. Proceeding of the 1st Association of Nigerian Fisheries Scientists. University of Ibadan. 9th- 11th July, 2018. 125-130 8 Kareem, O. K., Olanrewaju A. N., Orisasona O. and Olofintila O. O. (2018). Fish Diversity and Abundance in Ikere Gorge Reservoir, South-Western Nigeria. In: Akinwole A. O., Adekunle V. A. J. and Ogunsanwo O.Y. (Eds.). Emerging Issues in Sustainable Forest Management: Experiences and Lessons for Nigeria Proceeding of the 40th Annual Conference of the Forestry Association of Nigeria, Alausa, Lagos State. 12th -16th March, 2018. 761- 766 9 O. K. Kareem, Olanrewaju A. N. and Alarape, A. A. (2019). Gut Contents of Parachanna obscura Gunther 1861 in Eleyele Reservoir, Southwest Nigeria: A Possible Indicator of Food and Feeding Habit. In: J. Franklin (Ed.) International Conference on Marine Sciences and Aquaculture Accra, 18 July, 2019. 37-44 10a Kareem, O. K., Ogunkoya, T. F. and Ajani, E. K. (2021). Digestive Enzymes and Gut Morphometry of African Carp (Labeo ogunensis) in Asejire Lake, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. In: Akinrotimi O. A. and Ansa E. J. (Eds) Fisheries and Aquaculture in Nigeria: Veritable Tools for Food Security and Wealth Creation amidst COVID-19 Pandemic, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of Nigeria. Port Harcourt, 24th- 29th October, 2021. 163-167 ` 10b Kareem, O. K., Adedokun, M. A. sand Orisasona O. (2021). Fillet Yield, Mineral and Vitamin Compositions of Elops lacerta in Epe Lagoon. In: Akinrotimi O. A. and Ansa E. J. (Eds) Fisheries and Aquaculture in Nigeria: Veritable Tools for Food Security and Wealth Creation amidst COVID-19 Pandemic, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of Nigeria. Port Harcourt, 24th- 29th October, 2021. 541-546 11 O.K. Kareem, E.K. Ajani, B.O., Omitoyin, Austin Stankus, Mathias Halwart, Femi Ajayi, T.B. Orisasona, Jenyo-Oni Adetola and O.O. Ajayi. Haematological response, gut morphology, antioxidant status and histopathological analysis of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) fed with combination of commercial diet and black soldier fly larvae. In (Eds) The 3rd Annual international Conference and Exposition of the African Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, Hammamet, Tunisia 19- 22 November, 2024 11b E.K. Ajani, B.O., Omitoyin, O.K. Kareem, Austin Stankus, Mathias Halwart, Femi Ajayi, T.B. Orisasona, Jenyo-Oni Adetola O.O. Ajayi and O.O. Akoleowo. Effect of differently organic substrates on mineral and fatty acid profile of black soldier fly (Hemertia illucens) larvae. In (Eds) The 3rd Annual international Conference and Exposition of the African Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, Hammamet, Tunisia 19- 22 November, 2024 d) Articles that have already appeared in Learned Journals: 12 Kareem, O. K., and Agbede, A. S. (2012). Assessment of Microbes in Bottom Detritus of Two Selected Earthen Ponds in Ibadan. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources Vol. 28: 45-56 13 Kareem, O. K., Olanrewaju A. N. and Agbelege, O. O. (2013): Optimum Stocking Density of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings in Outdoor Concrete Tanks. Journal of Field Aquatic Studies, Vol. 9 (8): 10–20 14 Olanrewaju, A. N., Kareem, O. K. and Olaosebikan, B. D. (2014): Nigeria Manpower Needs and Opportunities in Freshwater Fish Seed Production. Nigeria Journal of Rural Extension and Rural Development, Vol. 8: 9-11 15 Kareem, O. K., Ajani, E. K., Orisasona, O. and Olanrewaju, A. N. (2014). The Sex ratio, Gonadosomatic index, Diet composition and Fecundity of African pike, Hepsetus odoe (Bloch, 1794) in Eleyele Lake, Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries and Livestock Production Vol.3 (3): 139-142 16 Ajani, E. K., Kareem, O. K., Osho, F. E. and Ekundayo, O. O. (2014). Length- Weight relationship and Condition factor of Macrobranchium vollenhovenii in Asejire Lake. Nigerian Journal of Ecology Vol.13: 97-111 17 Falaye, A. E., Ajani, E. K., Kareem, O. K. and Olanrewaju, A. N., (2015). Assessment of Ichthyofauna Assemblage of Erelu Reservoir, Oyo, Nigeria. Ecologia Vol.5 (2): 43-53 18 Kareem, O. K., Olanrewaju A. N. and Orisasona O. (2015). Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and Schilbe mystus in Erelu Lake, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Fisheries and Livestock Production Vol.3 (4): 87-98 19 Olanrewaju A. N., Kareem, O. K. and Ajani, E. K. (2016). Comparative Study of Growth Performance and Survival of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822) fry in Indoor and Outdoor Concrete and Hapa Culture System. Journal of Vol.10 (1): 027-030 20 Olanrewaju, A. N., Kareem, O. K. and Shobowale, J. O. (2016). Proximate and Mineral composition of Schilbe mystus (Linne 1758) and Heterotis niloticus (Cuvier 1829) in Lake Alau, Nigeria. Journal of Animal Research International Vol.13 (3): 2554-2561 21 Osho, E. F., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O., Oyebola, O. O., Setufe, S. B., Kareem, O. K. and Akintunde, M. A. (2016). Effect of Stocking Density and Age at Stocking on Growth and Survival of H. bidorsalis Larvae. Tropical Animal Production Investigation Vol.14 (2): 20-26 22 Kareem, O. K., Orisasona O. and Olanrewaju, A. N. (2016). Determination of Heavy metal levels in some commonly consumed frozen fish in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology Vol.10 (1): 82-87 23 Kareem, O. K., Olanrewaju, A. N. and Osho, F. E. (2016). Growth Pattern and Condition Factors of Hepsetus odoe (Block, 1794) Captured in Eleyele Lake, Southwest Nigeria. Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal Vol.7 (3): 1-4 24 Kareem, O. K., Ajani, E. K., Akintunde M. A., Olanrewaju, A. N. and Oduntan, O. B. (2017). Effect of Different Fertilization and Egg De-Adhesion Methods on Hatching and Survival of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Fry. Journal of Vol.11 (1): 21 – 27 25 Kareem, O. K., Olanrewaju A. N. and Jenyo-Oni, Adetola., Osho F. E. and Akintunde M. A. (2017): Growth patterns and condition factors of some freshwater fish species in Lake Erelu, Southwestern Nigeria. Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research Vol.12 (2): 11–21 26 Olanrewaju A. N., Kareem O. K., Nyaku, R. E. and Tubo, M. T. (2017): Length-Weight and Length-Length Relationships of Heterotis niloticus (Cuvier, 1829) and Raiamas senegalensis (Steindachner, 1870). Journal Aquaculture Research and Development Special Issues 1 – 5 27 Olanrewaju, A. N., Ajani, E. K. and Kareem O. K. (2017). Physico-chemical Status of Eleyele Reservoir, Nigeria. Journal of Aquaculture Resources. Development Vol. 8 (9): 1-8 28 Olanrewaju, A. N., Ajani, E. K., Kareem, O. K. and Orisasona, O. (2017). Relationship between Physico-chemical Parameters and Reproductive Indices of Parachanna obscura (Gunther 1861). European Journal of Experimental Biology Vol.7 (6): 272–280 29 Orisasona O., Falaye, A. E., Ajani, E. K. and Kareem, O. K. (2017). Effect of Phytase Supplementation on Growth, Mineral Composition and Phosphorous Digestibility of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Juveniles. Journal of Animal Research International Vol.14 (2): 2741-2750 30 Kareem, O. K.., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O., Olanrewaju, A. N., Orisasona O., Osho, F. E. (2018). Spatial and Temporal Limnological Status of Erelu Reservoir, Southwestern Nigeria. Ife Journal of Science Vol.20 (3): 509-518 31 Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K., Orisasona O., Bassey, H. E. Kareem, O. K. and Osho, F. E. (2019). Effect of gauva Psidium guajava (L.) aqueous extract diet on growth performance, intestinal morphology, immune response and survival of Oreochromis niloticus challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila. Aquaculture Research Vol.50: 1851-1861 32 Kareem O. K., Olanrewaju, A. N. and Orisasona O. (2019). Aspect of Reproductive Biology of Parachanna obscura, Gunther 1861, in a Southwestern Nigerian Reservoir. International Journal of Environmental Impacts Vol.2 (3): 272-282 33 Orisasona, O, Olaegbe, A. A Olanrewaju, A. N. and Kareem, O. K. (2019). High Quality Cassava Meal as a Replacement for Maize in the Diet of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa. Vol.67 (1): 67-77 34 Kareem, O. K. (2019). Efficiency and Selectivity of Monofilament Gillnet for Three Commercially Important Cichlid Species in Erelu Reservoir, Oyo, Nigeria. African Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Vol.4: 21-33 35 Orisasona, O., Ajani, E. K, Babatunde, S., Omitoyin, B. O., Osho, E. F. and Kareem O. K (2020). Operational Characteristics of and Financial Performance of African Catfish Hatcheries Under Different Management Systems in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development Vol.20 (3): 15709-15722 36 Kareem, O. K., Olanrewaju, A. N. and Igbaro B. (2021). Growth Pattern, Diet and Tropical Niche Breadth of the Nile Silver Catfish, Schilbe mystus (Linne 1758) in Asejire Lake, Southwestern, Nigeria. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries Vol.25 (3): 677-687 37 Adewale Nurudeen Olanrewaju, Oladeji Kazeem Kareem and Prince Ovie Oforishe (2020). down catfish (Synodontis resupinatus) from Lake Alau, Nigeria. Animal Research International Vol. 17 No. (2) 3706 – 3712 38 Ajani Emmanuel Kolawole, Orisasona Olugbenga, Kareem Oladeji Kazeem, Osho Friday Elijah, Adeyemo Aminat Omosalewa, Omitoyin Oluwarotimi Bamidele, Adekanmbi Abimbola Olumide (2020). Growth Performance, Gut Ecology, Immunocompetence,and Resistance of Oreochromis niloticus Juveniles fed Curcumin longa. Croatian Journal of Fisheries 78 (3), 145-156 39 Idowu, C. F., Ajani, E. K., Kareem O. K. and Fawole, W. O. (2020). Phytochemical Screening, Antioxidant Properties and Antimicrobial Activities of Ginger and Sweet Orange Peels Essential Oils. African Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Volume 5 57 – 67 40 K. J. Balogun, O. K. Kareem and E. K. Ajani (2021). Trace Metals in Selected Fish Species from Five Cowries Creek, Southwest Nigeria: Consumer Safety Assessment. Asian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research 12(6) 38-48 41 Kazeem Kareem, Nurudeen Olanrewaju and Bunmi Igbaro (2021). Growth Pattern, Diet and Tropical Niche Breadth of the Nile Silver Catfish, Schilbe mystus (Linne 1758) in Asejire Lake, Southwestern, Nigeria. Egyptian Journal of Fisheries 25 (2) 683-693 42 Oluyinka A Iyiola, Rahmat D Shaibu1, Segun O Oladipo, Kazeem O Kareem, Lotanna M Nneji, Adeniyi C Adeola, Abass T Anifowoshe, Moise M Matouke (2022). Population Genetic Structure of Three Cichlids in Ilorin, North-Central Nigeria. The Iraqi Journal Veterinary Medicine Vol. 46(1): 1-9 43 Friday Elijah Osho, Bamidele Oluwarotimi Omitoyin, Emmanuel Kolawole Ajani, Olugbenga Orisasona, Kazeem Oladeji Kareem, Adetola Jenyo-Oni (2022). Morphometric and Meristic Variation of African Snakehead Fish Parachanna obscura, Günther, 1861 from Nigeria’s Freshwater Environment. Journal of Fisheries and Environment Vol 46 (1) 54- 65 44 Kolawole Ajani, Olugbenga Orisasona, Adetola Jenyo-Oni, Bamidele Oluwarotimi Omitoyin, Aboubacar Kane, Abimbola Olumide Adekanmbi, Kazeem Oladeji Kareem, Elijah Friday Osho (2022). Growth, gut dimension, immune change and impact of Aeromonas hydrophila in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed Onion (Allium cepa. L) fortified diets. Croatian Journal of Fisheries 45 Adewale Nurudeen Olanrewaju and Oladeji Kazeem Kareem (2022). Some Aspects of the Biology of African Knifefish, Gymnachus niloticus (Cuvier, 1829) in Eleyele Lake, Nigeria. Mun. Ent. Zool. 17 (1) 145-153 46 Olugbenga Orisasona, and Kareem Oladeji Kazeem (2022). Citrus sinensis (Orange) peel powder and oil as phytogenic growth promoter in African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) diets. Journal of the Association of Nigerian Fisheries Scientists 3 (61-70) 47 A. N. Olanrewaju, O. K. Kareem and B. O. Emikpe (2023) Heamatological and biochemical status of cultured and wild blue Tilapia, Oreochromis aureus from Alau Lake, Northeast Nigeria. Comparative Clinical Pathology 32 139–146 48 Kareem O. K. and Olanrewaju, A. N. (2023). Economics of Cage Aquaculture Operations in Oyan Reservoir, Ogun State, Nigeria. Trends in Agriculture 2 (3) 232-240 49 Kareem Oladeji Kazeem, Olanrewaju Adewale Nurudeen, Orisasona Olugbenga and Adesina Ibrahim (2023). Lactobacillus plantarum Caused Improved Growth and Immunocompetence and Reduced Pathogenic Microbes in Monosex Oreochromis niloticus. Singapore Journal of Scientific Research 13 (1): 01-09 50 Olanrewaju Adewale Nurudeen and Kareem Oladeji Kazeem (2023). Aspect of Reproductive Biology of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacepède 1803) in Asejire Reservoir, Nigeria. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 16 (4): 541-549 51 Kareem Oladeji Kazeem, Olanrewaju Adewale Nurudeen, Oluwale Femi Victor and Awopetu Temitope Seun (2023). Growth Parameters and Alliance Between Selected Morphometric Features of Schilbe mystus in Asejire Reservoir, Nigeria. Asian J. Biol. Sci., 16 (4): 555-565 52 Kareem, O. K., Olanrewaju, A. N. and Balogun, J. K. (2023). Temporal Changes in Gut Contents, Morphometry and Digestive Enzymes of Hepsetus odoe (Bloch, 1794) in Eleyele Lake, Ibadan, Nigeria. J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 2023, Volume 14, Issue 12 1564- 1581 53 Kareem Kazeem, Oluwale Femi and Kelau Joel Shedrack (2023). Relationship between Morphological Attributes and Feeding Ecology of Fish species in Oyan Dam, Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Ecology vol. 19 (2) 54 Orisasona Olugbenga, Kolawole Emmanuele Ajani, Adetola Jenyo-Oni, Bamidele Oluwarotimi Omitoyin, Elijah Friday Osho, Kazeem Oladeji Kareem, Traore Yousuf and Abimbola Olumide Adekanmbi (2024). Bacterial-resistance, growth and immune competence of Oreochromis niloticus fed Lactobacillus fermentum. Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development. Vol.11 (1) 85-97 55 O. K. Kareem and A. N. Olanrewaju (2024). Morphological Relationships, Physiological and Oxidative Stress Responses of Male and Female African Snakehead (Parachanna Obscura Gunther, 1861) from Epe Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria. Renewable Journal Vol 4 No1 e) Technical Report and/or Monographs: 56 Ade-Oluwa, O. O. and Kareem, O. K. (2013). Rice production under Integrated Fish Cum Poultry and Rice Farming System. In: Omitoyin B.O., Ajani E. K. and Nwanna L.C. (Eds.) Sustainable Integrated Pond Based Aquaculture with Rice and Poultry Production: Economic, Social and Environmental Assessment. 57-66 ISBN- 978- 2170- 34-O 57 Olanrewaju A. N. and Kareem O. K. (2015). Fish Pond Management. In Diyaware M.Y., Obande R.A. and Mshelia M.B. (Eds.) Fish Farming for Youths in the North East, Nigeria. 22-34 ISBN: 978-978-951-102-0