Publications: a) Books (1) Omitoyin, B.O. and Alarape, A.A. (2003): Introduction to West African Fish and Wildlife. Published by University of Ibadan Distance Learning.82pp excluding cover page. ISBN 978- 021-155-1 (2) Omitoyin, B.O. (2007): Introduction to Fish Farming in Nigeria. Ibadan University Press, University of Ibadan.105pp excluding cover page ISBN 978- 121- 427-9 (b) Chapters in Books (3) Omitoyin, B.O. (2002): Poverty Alleviation under the Wildlife and Fisheries Sub- Sector of Agriculture. In Foluso Okunmadewa (eds) Poverty reduction and the Nigeria Agricultural Sector. pp 65-76. ISBN 978-36724-5-2 (4) Omitoyin, B.O. (2004): Fishery Management. In Ologhobo A.I (eds) Agriculture,Renewable Natural Resources, Animal Husbandry & Health. pp 97- 104 ISBN 978- 32624- 6-7. (c) Conference Proceedings (5) Faturoti, E. O; Omitoyin, B. O. and Aliu, B. S. (1992): Suitability of Calorie fortified diets for improving the production of Clarias gariepinus broodstock and fry. In: Eyo, A.A and Balogun A.M. (eds) Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Abeokuta, 16th – 20th November, 1992. pp 105 – 122 (6) Olukunle, Oyin and Omitoyin, B.O. (2000): Aquaculture Promotion of Rural Technology for Poverty Alleviation. In: Jegede .O and Okebukola P (eds) Gender and Science and Technology Association (GASAT) African Regional Conference Proceedings Abuja 29thOctober - 2nd November 2000.pp403-406. (7)Omitoyin, B.O. (2005) Fish Feed Production for Profitable Aquaculture. In: Ansa, E.J; Anyanwu, P.E; Ayonoadu, B.W; Erondu, E.S. and Deekae, S.N. (eds) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Port Harcourt, Nigeria 14 -18 November 2005. pp 15-18. (8) Omitoyin, B.O. and Ipinjolu, J.K. (2007): Organic Aquaculture in Nigeria: Issues and Opportunities. In: (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd Organic Agriculture conference in Tertiary Institution in Nigeria held at Usumanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. 11-16 November, 2007. (9) Ipinjolu, J.K; Omitoyin, B.O; Magawata, I. and Okeseni, A.T. (2007): Preliminary Evaluation of Some Organic Substrates for Maggot Production. In: 6 (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd Organic Agriculture conference in Tertiary Institution in Nigeria held at Usumanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria. 11-16 November, 2007. (10) Magawata, I; Ipinjolu, J.K; Hassan, W.A. and Omitoyin, B.O. (2008): Yields of Protopterus annectens (Owen) from river Rima and Goronyo dam, Sokoto State.In: Autqa, J; Balogun, J.K; Bolorunduro, P.I. and Onimisi, H.U. (eds) Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) Kaduna, Nigeria 26th – 30th October, 2008. pp 67- 70. (11) Omitoyin, B.O. (2008): Aquaculture management of the African catfish in Nigeria In: I. Mohammed; U.B. Kyiogwom; W.A. Hassan; A.L. Ala; A. Singh and S.D. Dogondaji (eds.) Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN) held at Faculty of Agriculture, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria 14-17th December, 2009 pp 616 - 621. (12) Olapade, O.J and Omitoyin, B.O (2010): Microbiological Index of Water Pollution of Lake Kivu, Ruwanda-East Africa. In: E.J Ansa; H.A. Fashina-Bombata and P.E Ndimele (Eds.) Proceedingsof the 25th Annual conference & Fair of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) 25th-29th October, 2010 Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Topo, Badagry, Lagos. 213- 217 (13) Olapade, O.J and Omitoyin, B.O (2010): Fish Species Composition of Lake Kivu, Ruwanda-East Africa.In: E.J Ansa; H.A. Fashina-Bombata and P.E Ndimele (Eds.) Proceedings of the 25th Annual conference & Fair of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON)25th-29th October, 2010 Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Topo,Badagry, Lagos.272- 276 (14) Akinwole, A.O., Omitoyin, B.O. and Amole J.O .2010.Evaluation of Growth Performance of Clarias gariepinus Juveniles in Static Water Exchange and Water Reuse Culture Facilities. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, Roanoke, Virginia, United States. 20 to 22 August 2010. (15)Adesina, B. T., Omitoyin, B. O., Akinwole, A. O., Adesina, O. A., and Afolayan, J. L. (2014): Fresh Root-Bark Extract of Moringa oleifera (Lam) Induced Histopathological Changes in the Liver of Freshwater Fish, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Proceedings of the 39th Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production. Ilishan- Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. 432-435. (16) Fregene, B.T, Ajani, E.K, Omitoyin, B.O, Akinwole, A.O, Adesehinwa, A.O, Kareem, O.K, Osho, E.F and Onada, O.A (2014): Production indices and profitability analysis of Integrated Fish Farming (Fish, Rice, Poultry). Humboldt Kollege Int. Conference, FUTA, Akure (2014): Use of Rendered Products and Value Added Agro – Wastes in Animal Nutrition: A panacea for for sustainable Protein production in Sub – Saharan Africa Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2014. 7 (d) Journal Articles (17) Faturoti, E. O; Omitoyin, B. O. and Lawal, O. L. (1995): Economic Assessment of Indian Major carps under polyculture systems in warm water pond management. Journal of Aquatic Sciences 10:1-5 (18) Faturoti, E. O; Omitoyin, B. O. and Olukoya, D.S. (1996): Growth Performance of Indian major carps under polyculture system in warm water pond management.Journal of Aquatic Sciences 11: 7-11 (19)Agbede, S. A; Akpavie, S. O; Babalola, S. L. and Omitoyin, B.O. (1996): Ameloblastic Odontoma in Catfish cultured in Ibadan, Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian. 14:113-115 (20) Faturoti, E. O; Omitoyin, B. O. and Awoyelu, J. E. (1996): Growth Performance of Heteroclarias and Red Tilapia fingerlings raised on Organic fertilization and supplementary feeding. Journal of Aquatic Sciences 11:63 – 68 (21) Okoruwa, V. O; Ibeziako, S. C. and Omitoyin, B. O. (1998): Fish Consumption in West Nigeria: Implications for food and Nutrition Policies. Journal of West African Fisheries VII: 312 – 320 (22) Omitoyin, B. O. and Faturoti, E. O. (1999). Availability of poultry by-products (feather and chicken offal) in old Oyo State as possible animal protein source for feeding fish. Journal of West African Fisheries VIII: 400 –406 (23)Omitoyin, B. O. and Faturoti E. O. (2000): Utilization of Raw and Parboiled chicken offal in Catfish Clarias gariepinus diets. Aquafield 1(1):7–11. (24) Omitoyin, B. O. Ogunsanmi, A. O. and Adesina, B. T. (1999): Studies on Acute Toxicity of Piscicidal plant extracts (Tetrapleura tetroptera) on Tilapia (Sarotherodon galilaeus) fingerlings. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 2(2): 191 – 197 (25) Omitoyin, B. O. and Faturoti, E. O. (2000): Evaluation of Chicken Offal meal (COM) as protein source for African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerlings raised in earthen pond. Journal of West African Fisheries IX: 488-495 (26)Omitoyin, B. O; Akinwusi, F; Agbede, S. A; Ogunsanmi, A. and Atsanda, (2001): Plasma Biochemistry of cultured Male and Female Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Ibadan, Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian 19(3):148–152 (27) Alegbeleye, W. O; Oresegun, A. O. and Omitoyin, O. (2001): Use of Bambara groundnut (Vigna subteranea) meal in the diets of Heteroclarias fingerlings. Moor Journal of Agricultural Research 2: 54-59. (28) Omitoyin, B. O. and Faturoti, E. O. (2001): Evaluation of poultry- feather meal as dietary protein source for African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Journal of West African Fisheries X: 515-521 (29)Ajani, E.K; Omitoyin, B.O; Adebusoye, F. and Ajani, F. (2002): Bioaccumulation of Copper, Lead and Zinc in the Organs and Tissue of Tilapia zillii in Eleiyele Lake, Ibadan Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Forestry Vol.32 (2): 76-80 8 (30)Omitoyin, B. O. (2003): Growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings raised under different water quality conditions. African Journal of livestock Extension 2: 86– 90 (31)Ajani, E.K; Omitoyin, B.O. and Abass, A. (2003): The Physico- Chemical parameters and Pollution Status of Lagos–Lagoon, Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources Vol.19 (2): 145-160 (32)Omitoyin, B.O; Ajani, E.K. and Adebusoye, F. (2003): Bioaccumulation of Copper, Lead and Zinc in the Organs and Tissue of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) in Eleiyele Lake Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Extension 4: 74 -80 (33) Taiwo, V.O; Omitoyin, B.O; Ogunsanmi, A.O; Olukunle, Oyin and Ogunmoye, K.A. (2003):Toxicity of Grasscutter (Thryonomys swinderianus Temmick) Faeces to Clarias gariepinus Broodstock. Journal of Tropical Forest Resources 19(2): 23-32 (34) Ajani, E.K. and Omitoyin, B.O. (2004): Effects of Anthropogenic Activities on Fish species diversity in Eleiyele Lake, Ibadan Nigeria. African Journal of Livestock Extension 3:13-18 (35) Omitoyin, B.O; Adesehinwa, A.O.K. and Edibite, L.I. (2005): Reproductive Performance and Serum Biochemistry of Female Clarias gariepinus Broodstock raised in Pond Effluent Water. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystem 5(3): 117-122 (36) Jenyo-Oni, A., Omitoyin, B.O. and Akpomieme, E.V. (2005): Toxicity of diquart (Herbicide) to fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822). Ibadan Journal of Agricultural Research 1(1): 58- 63. (37) Omitoyin, B.O., Ajani, E.K. and Fajimi, O.A. (2006): Toxicity of Gramozone (Paraquat) to Juveniles African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822). American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci. 1(1):26-30. (38) Omitoyin, B.O; Ajani, E.K; Adesina, B.T. and Okuagu, C.N.F. (2006): Toxicity of Lindane (Gamma Hexachloro-CycloHexane) to Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). World Journal of Zoology 1(1):57-63. (39)Omitoyin, B.O. (2006): Haematological Changes in the blood of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1882) juveniles fed Poultry litter. Livestock Research for Rural Development 18(11): 1-7 (40)Omitoyin, B.O. (2006): Haematological and Plasma Biochemical Parameters of cultured Heterobranchus longifilis (Valencienuess, 1840) Broodstock in Ibadan, Nigeria. Tropical Journal of Animal Science 9(2):45-52 (41) Omitoyin, B.O. and Ajani, E.K. (2007): Feeding habits and bioaccumulation of heavy metal in fishes of Lake Eleiyele, Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Afrotropical Zoology (Special Issue):165-169 (42)Omitoyin, B.O. (2007): Some Haematological and Plasma Biochemical Parameters of Farmed Catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell) Broodstock in Ibadan Nigeria. African Journal of Livestock Extension 5:76-80. (43) Omitoyin, B.O. (2007): Haematological and Plasma Biochemical Parameters of Hybrid Catfish Heteroclarias (Clarias gariepinus X Heterobranchus longifilis) in Ibadan, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Forestry 37(1): 53 -58. (44)Omitoyin, B.O. (2007): Plasma Biochemical Changes in Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fed Poultry litter. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences 1(1): 48-52 (43) (45) Omitoyin, B.O. (2007): Metabolic Effects of Malachite Green on Clarias 9 gariepinus Juveniles (Burchell, 1822). Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 2(6): 422-426 (46) Adesina, B.T; Omitoyin, B.O; Agbeja, B.O; Adebisi, L.A. and Adeyemo, A.A. (2008): Effectiveness of Moringa oleivera Lam. Seeds as Natural Coagolant in Public Water Treatment. Obeche Journal 26 (1): 68-77 (47)Omitoyin, B.O. and Aghoghovwia, A.O. (2008): Trace metal concentrations in water and edible muscle of some commercially important fish species in Warri River, Nigeria. African Journal of Livestock Extension 6:54-60. (48) Omitoyin, B.O; Fagade, O.E; Ogunjobi, A.A; Ogbona, J; Ajani, E.K. and Oyelade, A.A. (2008): Preliminary Investigation on the Conversion of Aquaculture Solid Waste into Single Cell Protein (SCP) from Re-circulatory slug for Fish Feed. Nigerian Journal of Fisheries 5(2):107-122 (49) Ajani, E.K; Omitoyin, B.O. and Adeoye, A.O.(2008):Physiological Responses of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Broodstock to Confinement Stress. Journal of Environmental Extension Vol.8: 65 - 69 (50) Omitoyin, B.O. and Sadiku, R.T. (2009): Therapeutic effect of different doses of Antibiotic-Enrofloxacin (10%) on Induced Pseudomonas aeruginosa in juvenile African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) African Journal of Livestock Extension7:55-59. (51) Nwanna, L.C; Adebayo, I.A. and Omitoyin, B. (2009): Effect of graded levels of phosphorus on growth and mineral concentration in giant African catfish Heterobranchus bidorsalis. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (16): 3047- 3953 (52) Nwanna, L.C; Adebayo, I.A. and Omitoyin, B.O. (2009): Phosphorus requirement of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus based on broken-line regression analysis methods. ScienceAsia 35: 227 -233 (53) Omitoyin, B.O. and Olapade, O.J. (2009): The growth response and profitability of the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell, 1882) cultured at different stocking density. Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol.5: (1&2): 51-60 (54) Adewole, A.M., Aiyelaagbe, O.O. and Omitoyin, B.O. (2009): Evaluation of chemical components of some toxic plants to fish in Ibadan, Southwestern, Nigeria Obeche Journal 27(1):73-79 (55) Omitoyin, B.O. (2010): Effect of Different Diets and Feeding Frequency on the Growth and Survival of Clarias gariepinus Fry. Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol.6 (1&2): 63- 68 (56) Omitoyin, B.O., Ajani, E.K and Oyebola, O.O. (2010): Cold shocking at 50C and 70C in Triploid Production: Effects on embryonic development, hatchability and fry performance in Clarias gariepinus. African Journal of livestock Extension Vol. 9:13-18 (57) Adesina, B.T., Omitoyin, B.O., Oguntuga, O.A., Oluyemi, S.O and Ajibade, A.O (2010): Climate Change Impacts on Livestock and Fisheries: A Review. Nigerian Meteorological Society Vol. 8(2):120-127. (58) Adesina, B.T., Omitoyin, B.O., Oguntuga, O.A., and Akinwole, A.O (2011): Organic coagulants as turbidity removal in water treatment and their toxicity to freshwater fauna: A review. International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research & Development Vol. 3:50-58 10 (59) Omitoyin, B.O., Sowunmi, A.A. and Omitoyin, S. A. (2011): Production of Organic Fingerlings of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus). International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research & Development Vol. 3:77-87 (60) Ajibade, A.O and Omitoyin, B.O (2011) Acute toxicity of Calotropis procera (Ait.) to Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Journal of Applied Aquaculture Vol. 23 284 – 288 (61) Adesina, B.T and Omitoyin, B.O (2011): Potential of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) fresh root-bark extract as an organic piscicide in aquaculture pond management. Egyptian Journal of Biology. Vol. 13: 8-13 (62) Olasunkanmi, J.B and Omitoyin, B.O (2011): Growth Response of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) juveniles fed diets containing raw Mucuna utilis seed meal. Journal of Aquaculture Feed Science and nutrition Vol.3 (1): 17-19 (63) Olasunkanmi, J.B; Omitoyin, B.O and Ipinmoroti, M.O. (2011): Social Structure of fish farmers in Osun State, South- West Nigeria. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal in the Tropics. Vol.9 (1): 163-167 (64) Adebayo, I.A; Omitoyin, B.O and Nwanna, L. C. (2011): Evaluation of Dietary Phosphorus Supplement on Growth and Selected Haematological Parameters of the Hybrid, Heterobranchus Bidorsalis X Clarias Gariepinus Fingerlings. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. Vol.8:1-16 (65) Olapade, O.J and Omitoyin, B.O (2012): Anthropogenic Pollution Impact on Physicochemical Characteristics of Lake Kivu, Ruwanda. AJFAND 12(5):6517- 6536 (66) Oyebola, O.O., Omitoyin, B.O., Salako, A.E., Ajani E.K and Awodiran M.O.(2013):Genetic and biochemical differentiation of pectoral spine variant in Clarias gariepinus IJMBR 1:8-14 (67) Adebayo, I.A; and Omitoyin, B.O. (2013): Essentiality of calcium supplement in the diets of Heterobranchus bidorsalis fingerlings. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture Vol. 5(5): 98-103 (68) Omitoyin, B.O. Ajani E.K and H. O Sadiq (2013): Preliminary Investigation of Tribulus terrestris (Linn.,1753) Extracts as Natural Sex Reversal Agent in Oreochromis niloticus (Linn., 1758) Larvae. International Journal of Aquaculture Vol.3 (23): 133-137 (69) Oyebola, O.O., Omitoyin, B.O., Salako, A.E., Ajani E.K and Awodiran M.O. (2013): Genetic differentiation and inheritance of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in pectoral spine phenotypic sub-groups of Clarias gariepinus. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(37): 5567-5576 (70) Omitoyin, B.O; Salako A.E and Eriegha, O.J (2013): Some Ecological Aspects of Oreochromis niloticus and Heterotis niloticus from Ona Lake, Asaba, Nigeria. Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 5 (6): 641-648 (71) Adesina, B. T., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani E. K. and Adesina, O. A. (2013): Acute-lethal toxicity (LC50) effect of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) fresh root bark extract on Oreochromis niloticus juveniles under renewal toxicity exposure. Journal of Applied Agricultural and Apicultural Research Vol. 9: 182-188 (72) Akinwole, A.O., Omitoyin, B.O. and Amole, J.O. (2013): Comparism of African Catfish growth in Static Water Exchange and Water Reuse Culture Systems. Journal of Agriculture, Socioeconomics and Sustainable Environment Vol.1 (2): 116 – 120 11 (73) Omitoyin, B.O., Ajani E. K., and Osho, E.F. (2013): Genetic characterization of four strains Oreochromis niloticus using rapidly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Nigerian Journal of Rural Extension and Development Vol 7(9): (74) Jenyo-Oni, A., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B.O., Akinwole A.O., Fregene, B.T., Adesehinwa, A.O.K.,2 Kareem, O.K.,1 Osho, E.F.1 and Olojo, B.O.(2014): Biological factors and performance indicators under integration of fish, poultry and rice production. J. of Trop. For. Res. Vol. 30: 84-93 (75) Adesina, B. T., Omitoyin, B. O. and Oguntuga, O. A.(2013): Preliminary Toxicological Screening of Ichtyotoxic Compound of Moringa oleifera (LAM) Hot extract to Freshwater Fish, Oreochromis niloticus. Agrosearch Volume13(3) (76) Omitoyin B.O.,and Ajibade,A.O. (2014): Haematological evaluation in Clarias gariepinus (Burchell)juveniles exposed to lethal concentrations of the latex of Calotropis procera (Aiton). Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment. Vol. 2:141-148 (77) Olasunkanmi, J.B., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E.K. and Adeyemi, J.A (2014):Pathological Alterations in the Organs of Clarias gariepinus fed Raw Velvet Beans. Nig. J. Pure & Appl. Sci. Vol. 27: 2578 - 2590 (78) Omitoyin B.O., R. Zougmoré, A. Jalloh (2015): Overview of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Scientific, Political and Financial Landscape in West Africa - Fisheries Sub-Sector. In: Robert Zougmoré, Alain Sy Traoré, Yamar Mbodj (Eds.) Overview of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Scientific, Political and Financial Landscape in West Africa Working Paper No 118 CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) 37- 46p (79) Oduntan O.B., Omitoyin B.O. (2015): Wear of disc mill hammer in wet grinding processes on groundnut cake for fish feed production. Res. Agr. Eng., 61: 162-16976) (80) Akpoilih, B.U., E.K. Ajani and Omitoyin B.O (2015): Dietary Phytase Improves Growth and Water Quality Parameters for Juvenile Clarias gariepinus Fed Soyabean Meal-based Diets. International Journal of Aquaculture Vol.5 (38): 1-20 (81) Ajani, E. K.; Orisasona, O.; Omitoyin, B. O.; (2016): Comparison of bacterial Flora and frequency of occurance in water and Clarias gariepinus raised in ponds fertilized with raw with poultry manure. Journal of Fisheries Sciences. Vol. 10 (1): 16-21 (82) Akpoilih, B.U Omitoyin B.O. and E.K. Ajani (2016): Dietary Microbial Phytase Improves Growth, Phosphorus Digestibility and Serum Phosphorus, but not Bone Mineralization,in Juvenile Clarias gariepinus fed Roasted and Oil-pressed Groundnut-Based Diet. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science. 11(2): 108-130. (83) Akpoilih, B.U., E.K. Ajani and Omitoyin B.O (2016): Optimum Dietary Ca/P Ratio and Phytase for Growth and Bone Mineralization in Juvenile Clarias gariepinus Fed Soya Bean-Based Diet. Journal of Aquaculture & Research Development .7: (2): 1-11 (84) Ajani, E.K; Orisasona, O; Omitoyin, B.O. and Osho, E.F (2016): Total Replacement of Fishmeal by Soybean Meal with or Without Methionine Fortification in the Diets of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 11: 238-243 (85) Adepoju, M.A; Omitoyin B.O. Mohan C.O. and Zynudheen, A.A (2016): Heat penetration characteristics of milkfish (chanos chanos) thermal processed in flexible pouches: a comparative study between steam application and water immersion. Food Science and Nutrition DO.1002fsn3.426 1-4 (86) Akanmu, O.A., Emikpe, B.O., Omitoyin B.O and Ajani, E.K. (2016): Evaluation of the wound healing potential of the diets fortified the with Lactobacillus fermentum, 12 Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their combination in Heterobranchus bidorsalis juveniles. Zoology and Ecology Volume 26 (4): 323 - 330 (87) Robert Zougmoré, Samuel Partey, Mathieu Ouédraogo, Bamidele Omitoyin, Timothy Thomas, Augustine Ayantunde, Polly Ericksen, Mohammed Said and Abdulai Jalloh (2016): Toward climate-smart agriculture in West Africa: a review of climate change impacts, adaptation strategies and policy developments for the livestock, fishery and crop production sectors. Journal of Agriculture and Food Security Vol. 5(1): 1-16 (88) Osho, E. F., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O., Kareem O. K. and Olasantan, O.T. (2016). Effects of Stocking Ratio on Growth Performance and Nutrient Utilisation of Nile Tilapia and African Catfish Stocked Under Polyculture Arrangement. Journal of Aquatic Sciences 31(2B) 373-382 (89) Akanmu, O.A., Ajani, E.K., Omitoyin B.O., Emikpe, B.O., and Ogunbanwo, S .T (2016): Organ bacteriological dynamics in heterobranchus bidorsalis juveniles fed diets fortified with lactobacillus fermentum, saccharomyces cerevisiae and their combination. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa. Vol. 64 (4): 485 - 491 (90) Osho, E. F., Ajani E. K., Omitoyin B.O, Oyebola O. O., Setufe S. B., Kareem O. K. and M. A. Akintunde (2017). Effect of Stocking Density and Age At Stocking on Growth and Survival of Heterobranchus Bidorsalis Larvae. Tropical Animal Production Investigation 19(1) 68-79 (91) Omitoyin B.O., Ajani, E.K., Okeleye, O.I., Akpoilih, B.U., and Ogunjobi, A.A.(2017): Biological Treatments of Fish Farm Effluent and its Reuse in the Culture of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 8:1 DOI: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000469 (92) Akpoilih, B.U Omitoyin, B.O., and Ajani, E.K. (2017): Phosphorus utilization in juvenile Clarias gariepinus fed phytase-supplemented diets based on soya bean (oil-extracted) and fullfat(roasted):Acomparison. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, DOI: 10.1080/10454438.2016.1276000 (93) Evaluation of Haematological and Biochemical Parameters of Juvenile Oreochromis niloticus after Exposure to Water Soluble Fractions of Crude Oil. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 21 (6) 1041-1045 (94) Adepoju, M. A; Omitoyin, B.O., Ajani E. K. and Kukurukkan A. (2018): Effect of Smoking Time and Temperature on the Proximate Composition and Quality of Milkfish Steaks. Journal of Aquatic Food Products Technology Vol. 27 (2) (95) Omitoyin B. O, Ajani E .K, Falaye A .E, Olajide O. A, Oyesola O .B, Ihenyen H E. Chimatiro S. K and Okeleye I .O (2018): Analysis of the Market Structure of Smoked and Dried Fish in Kainji-Inland Fisheries and the States Along the Nigeria-Niger Border. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production In Africa Bulletin. Special Edition 2018 Fish Trade and Marketing for Food Security and Livelihoods in Africa 199- 214 (96) Kareem, O. K., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B.O., Olanrewaju, A.N., Orisasona, O. and Osho, E. F . (2018): Spatial and Temporal Limnological Status of Erelu Reservoir, Southwestern Nigeria. Ife Journal of Science Vol. 20(3): 509 – 518 13 (97) Falaye A .E, Ajani E. K, Omitoyin B .O, Oyesola O. B, Olajide O .A, Chimatiro S K and Okeleye I O (2018): Value Chain Analysis of Fish Trade Along Nigeria-Benin Border. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production In Africa Bulletin. Special Edition 2018 Fish Trade and Marketing for Food Security and Livelihoods in Africa 215- 244 (98) Ajani E K, Omitoyin B O, Falaye A E, Oyesola O B, Olajide O A, Ojo D O, Okeleye,,I..O and Chimatiro,S. K (2018):Fish Trade Market Structure along Nigeria-Cameroon-Chad Border Nodes. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production In Africa Bulletin. Special Edition 2018 Fish Trade and Marketing for Food Security and Livelihoods in Africa 245-264 (99) Akpoilih, B. U., Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O (2019). Effect of Microbial Phytase on Nutrient Availability and Growth of Juvenile Clarias gariepinus Fed Soyabean and Groundnut-based Diets. Annual Research & Review in Biology 31(4): 1-21 (100) Omitoyin, B.O., Ajani, E. K., Orisasona, O., Bassey, H. E., Kareem, O. K. and Osho E. F. (2019). Effect of guava Psidium guajava (L.) aqueous extract diet on growth performance, intestinal morphology, immune response and survival of Oreochromis niloticus challenged with Aeromonas hydrophila. Aquaculture Research. Volume 50, Issue 7: 1851-1861 (101) Eriegha, O. J., Omitoyin, B. O. And Ajani, E. K. (2019): Water soluble fraction of crude oil deteriorate water quality parameters and alters histopathological components of Juvenile Clarias gariepinus. Animal Research International, Volume 16 (2):3308 – 3318 (102) Eriegha, O. J. and Omitoyin, B. O. (2019): Haematological and biochemical changes in Clarias gariepinus exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of water-soluble fractions of crude oil. Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology 11(3): In Press (103) Oduntan, O. B., Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O (2019): The optimisation of loading capacity of smoking kiln on drying characteristics of Catfish (Clarias gariepinus). Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica. Volume 52 (1): 9 - 17. (104) Adejonwo. O.A., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E.K., Ogunwole, O.A and Omitoyin, S. A (2020): Growth, Gut Morphology and Microflora of African Catfish Clarias gariepinus Fed Mushroom (Pleurotus pulmonarius) Stalk Meal Supplemented Diets. Croatian Journal of Fisheries 78: 79-90. (105) Ajani, E. K., Orisasona, O. Kareem, O. K., Osho, F.E, Adeyemo, A. O., Omitoyin, B. O and Adekanmbi, A.O (2020): Growth Performance, Gut Ecology, Immunocompetence and Resistance of Oreochromis niloticus juveniles Fed Dietary Curcumin longa. Croatian Journal of Fisheries, 78: 145-156 (106) Orisasona, O., Ajani, E.K., Babatunde, S., Omitoyin, B. O., Osho, E. F and Kareem, O. K (2020): Operational Characteristics and Financial Performance of African Catfish Hatcheries under Different Management Systems in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. Vol. 20 (3): 15709-15722 14 (107) Akanmu, O. A., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani E. K and Emikpe, B. O (2020): Effects of dietary Lactobacillus fermentum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae on the growth performance, hematological parameters, organ-somatic indices, and protection of Heterobranchus bidorsalis juveniles against Aeromonas hydrophila infection. Journal of Applied Aquaculture (108) Adejonwo, O. A., Omitoyin, B. O., Ogunwole, O. A., Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, S.A (2021): Chemical characterisation and in vitro assessment of two mushroom stalks as prebiotics for Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, 54 OV,: 104–115 DOI: 10.2478/ats-2021-0002. (109) Osho, F.E; Omitoyin, B.O; Ajani, E.K; Azuh, V. O and Adedeji, A.O (2021): Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 reveals genetic diversity of the African Snakehead fish Parachanna obscura, Gunther, 1861 from Nigeria's freshwater environment. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 2021.08.007 (110) Omitoyin B. O (2022): Contributions of Fisheries to Economic Development in Nigeria. An invited paper Presented at the Humboldt Kolleg 2022 International Conference, at T. I. Francis Auditorium, Federal University of Technology, Akure Ondo State Nigeria. (111). Osho, F.E., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K., Orisasona, O., Kareem, O. K and Jenyo-Oni, A. (2022) Morphometric and Meristic Variation of African Snakehead Fish Parachanna obscura, Günther, 1861 from Nigeria’s Freshwater Environment. Journal of Fisheries and Environment. Volume 46 (1) 54- 65 (112). Omitoyin B. O (2022): Strategies for Addressing Challenges of Food Security, Malnutrition, Climate Change, Habitat Degradation of Inland and Coastal Aquatic Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Bolorunduro, P., Ajni, E. K., Orisasona, O and Omitoyin, B. O. (Edt.) Blue Economy, Food Security and Poverty Alleviation Strategies in Africa:The Role of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. Exotic Continental Dezines Ltd., 35 Adelaja Street, Mokola Ibadan, Oyo State ISBN978-978-594192-20 (113) Omitoyin B. O (2022): Challenges of Sustainable Fish Production in Nigeria. In Balogun A. M., Omitoyin, B.O and Ajani, E. K (Edt.) Selected Titles in Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture. Book Builders. Edition Africa, 2 Awosika Avenue Bodija Ibadan ISBN 978-978- 921-233-0 (114) Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O. and Ajani, F. Harnessing the knowledge based on Nigeria’s Fisheries Resources for sustainable food and nutrition security. In Lameed G. A., Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O.. ed. (2023). Topics in Wildlife and Fisheries Management. Moontelloni Media and Publishing Ibadan. 464pp (115) Lameed G. A., Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O. ed. (2023). Topics in Wildlife and Fisheries Management. Moontelloni Media and Publishing Ibadan. 464pp (116) Oluwafemi Ajayi, Matthias Halwart, Yuan Xinhua, Austin Stankus, Emmanuel K. Ajani, Bamidele O. Omitoyin, Amrit Bart, Esendugue G. Fonsah, Gary Burtle, Oladeji Kazeem, Babatunde Oduntan, Abubakar Yahaya Mohammed, John Paul Ikwuemesi, Lawali Argungu, Temitope Ogunkoya and James Fasakin (2023).Maximizing the Nutritional Impact of A Farm Diversification (Rice-Fish) Intervention: A Case Study From Nigeria. Presentation at Aquaculture America. New Orleans, Louisiana USA. 23- 26 February 2023. 15 (117) Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O. (2023). Aquafeeds and Alternative Feed Ingredients. Presentation at FAO/World Bank special session at Aquaculture Africa Conference, Lusaka, Zambia, November 13 – 15 2023. (118) Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O , Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Burtle, G. J.(2023) Can the Diversification of Rice Farming With Fish Support Communities and Countries in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? Insights From Nigeria, Lao PDR, and P.R. China. Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023 (119) Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O., Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Fonsah, E. G.(2023) Assessment of Water Utilization, Water Quality Performance, and Nutrient Requirement Under Integrated Rice-Fish Farming. Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023. (120) Halwart, M., Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O. Bart, A., Ajayi, O., Fonsah, E. G. Apparent Digestibility Coefficients of By-Products in Integrated Rice and Fish Farming (Rice Bran and Fish Offal Meal) Fed to the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) and Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Juveniles. Aquaculture America 2023 Conference, New Orleans Marriott Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A., February 2023. (121) Olugbenga, O., Ajani, E. K. Omitoyin, B. O., Jenyo-Oni, Adetola, Osho, F. E, Kareem O. K. Youssouf, Traore and Adekanmbi, A. (2023). Bacterial-resistance, growth and immune competence of Oreochromis niloticus fed Lactobacillus fermentum. Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development 11: 85 – 97 (122) Omitoyin, S. A., Olugbenga, O., Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O. (2023). Effect of graded levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on growth, haematology and serum biochemistry of African catfish Clarias gariepinus juveniles. Aceh Journal of Animal Science 8. 143-149. (123) Osho, F. E., Omitoyin, B.O., Ajani, E. K., Orisasona, O.O. & Kareem O. K. & Jenyo-Oni, Adetola (2023). Morphometric and Meristic Variation of African Snakehead Fish Parachanna obscura, Günther, 1861 from Nigeria’s Freshwater Environment. Journal of Fisheries and Environment 46. 54-65. (124) Osho, F. E., Omitoyin, B. O., Ajani, E. K., Azuh, V. & Adediji, A. (2023). Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 reveals genetic diversity of the African. Aquaculture and Fisheries 8. 59-66. (125):Ajani, E. K., Halwart Mathais, Austin Stankus, Ajayi Oluwafemi, Omitoyin, B.O. , Amrit Bart, Taiwo Oyebola O. , Yahaya Abubakar, Ikwuemesi J. C. , Kareem O. K. Lawali Arugungu and Akinrinola T. B.(2024): Changing the food production landscape in Nigeria through farm diversification process modifying rice fields for fish production:3rd International Symposium on Integrated Agriculture and aquaculture and Water Resource Management. Food and AgricultureOrganisation of the United Nations and Shanghai Ocean university China. Conference Materials: Report 5. (126) Omitoyin, B.O. , Halwart Mathais., Ajani, E. K., Austin Stankus, Ajayi Oluwafemi., Amrit Bart, Taiwo Oyebola O. , Yahaya Abubakar, Ikwuemesi J. C. , Kareem O. K. Lawali Arugungu and Akinrinola T. B.(2024): Integrated Fish Farming as a Climate-Smart Land Use Strategy in Nigeria. 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Agriculture and aquaculture and Water Resource Management. Food and AgricultureOrganisation of the United Nations and Shanghai Ocean university China. Conference Materials: Report 16. 16 Books, Chapters in Books and Articles already accepted for Publications: Nil (e) Technical Papers (127) Omitoyin, B.O. (1998): Introduction to Simple Quality control in Fish and Fish handling procedures before processing. In Fish Handling, Processing, Preservation and Storage Techniques for Artisanal Fishermen organized by Osun State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources /Ivory Consultancy Ltd Ibadan on Tuesday 16-17 June, 1998 at Terminus Hotel Osogbo (128) Omitoyin, B.O. (1998): Fish Processing and Storage Techniques and effects on fish Quality. In Fish Handling, Processing, Preservation and Storage Techniques for Artisanal Fishermen organized by Osun State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources /Ivory Consultancy Ltd Ibadan on Tuesday 16-17 June, 1998 at Terminus Hotel Osogbo (129) Omitoyin, B.O. (1998): Causes and Sources of fish Spoilage. In Fish Handling, Processing, Preservation and Storage Techniques for Artisanal Fishermen organized by Osun State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources /Ivory Consultancy Ltd Ibadan on Tuesday 16-17 June, 1998 at Terminus Hotel Osogbo (130) Omitoyin B. O (1998): Overview of practical Aquaculture in Nigeria: An invited technical paper delivered at the first aquaculture open day of nationally coordinated Research Programme (NARP) Marine fisheries organized by Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) Lagos on Thursday 14 May 1998. 8p (131) Omitoyin B. O. (1999): Practical Aquaculture management. An invited technical paper presented at the fisheries investors workshop organized by the Fisheries Institute of Nigeria (F. I. N) under the Auspices of Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON) held at Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) Victoria Island, Lagos. 22 April 199. 16p. (132) Omitoyin B. O (1999): Intensive fish farming. An invited technical paper delivered at the Intensive Aquaculture training workshop organized by Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research (NIOMR) Victoria Island Lagos on 7th October 1999. 9p. (133) Omitoyin B. O (2001): Fish fingerings, Juveniles Production at farmer’s level: Packaging, transportation, stocking, sorting and security. An invited technical paper presented at the Monthly Technology Review meeting (M.R.T.M) of Ogun State Agricultural Development Programme (OGADEP) Abeokuta, 14-15 May 2001.12p. (134) Omitoyin B. O (2001): Methods of fish breeding. An invited technical paper presented at the Monthly Review Meeting (M.T.R.M) of Oyo State Agricultural Development programme (OYSADEP) Ibadan July 15, 2001.5p. (135) Omitoyin B. O; Ajani E. K and Akinwande. O. (2002): Fish Hatchery Management and Health. An invited technical paper delivered at fish Health Management Workshop Organize by Fisheries society of Nigeria (FISON) at Conference centre, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 21st –26thOctober 2002. 16p. 17 (136)Omitoyin B.O; Omoloye A.A; Lameed G.A; Awodoyin O.R; Agbeja B.O and Aworetan A.A (2003): Biodiversity and Natural Resources of Ondo State. Technical report submitted on behalf of Aroma consultancy services to the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Master Plan. December 2003. (137) Omitoyin B.O. (2004): The Prospect of Catfish Farming in Nigeria. An invited Technical Paper Presented at the Inauguration of Catfish fish Farmers Association of Nigeria at Obasanjo Farms Ota Ogun state,Nigeria on Saturday 18th December 2004. (138) Omitoyin B.O (2005) Management of Fry and Fingerlings in Hatchery with Emphasis on Disease Control. An invited Technical Paper Presented at the Monthly Review Meeting of Lagos State Agricultural Development Programme on Thursday 16 June 2005. (139) Omitoyin B.O (2005): Problems and Prospects of Fish Feed Production in Nigeria. Invited Technical Paper Presented at the United States of America Agency for Informational Development (USAID) Aquaculture Alliance Business Meeting held on Tuesday, December 13, 2005 at the Conference Centre, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria. (140) Omitoyin B.O (2006): Fish Hatchery Management. An Invited Technical Paper Presented at a two days seminar organized by Oyo State Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development on Post- Retirement Sustainability: Prospect of Investment in Fisheries on 18-19 July, 2006 at the Fisheries Department Hall, Agodi Ibadan. (141) Omitoyin B. O (2007): Fish Production Systems in Nigeria. An invited technical paper presented at the training workshop in basic principles of farm management for National Bureau of Statistics Staff undertaking agricultural surveys and censuses sponsored by National Bureau of Statistics, Abuja. March 19-30 2007. (142) Omitoyin B. O (2009) Fish Processing and Marketing. An invited technical paper presented at the National training workshop in Entrepreneurship for Youth Empowerment by IAR&T Moor Plantation (143) Agbeja, B.O., Tijani, M.N., Omitoyin, B.O., Adekunle, V.A.J., Ogundele, O.O., Adesoye,P.O., Olorunfemi, F., Taiwo, L., Akinyemi, A.F., Okunowo, T., and Adegoke, W. (2008): Environmental Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measure Study for the Proposed Integrated Sweet Sorghum Farm, Ethanol and Diesel Refineries, Electricity Power Generation and vegetable Oil Plants in Arigidi-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. Technical Report submitted to GLOBAL BIOFUEL LTD. Nigeria. 189pp. (144) Omitoyin B. O (2010): Aquaculture Practices in Management of fish Diseases. Invited Technical Paper Presented at a day seminar organized by CHI Ajanla Farms for fish farmers in Osun State held at Osogbo City Hall, Osogbo Osun State 31 January, 2010. (145) Omitoyin B. O (2011): Causes and Prevention of Nutritional Fish Diseases. In: Omitoyin, B.O and Abobarin, A. O (Eds.) Proceedings of the National technical workshop on Prevalence of Farmed – Catfish Diseases in Nigeria. Organised by Dabob Fish Farm Ventures Ibadan at Federal Department of Fisheries Field Office Monatan, Ibadan, 26 - 27 July, 2011. (146) Omitoyin B. O (2011): Overview of Fish Diseases and Health Management in Nigeria. In: Omitoyin, B.O and Abobarin, A.O. (Eds.) Proceedings of the National technical 18 workshop on Prevalence of Farmed – Catfish Diseases in Nigeria. Organised by Dabob Fish Farm Ventures Ibadan, at Federal Department of Fisheries Field Office Monatan, Ibadan, 26-27. July, 2011. (147) Omitoyin B. O (2011): Fisheries Resources and Water Quality Assessment of the Health Status of River Ogun and Yewa, Nigeria. In: River Health Status of Ogun and Yewa River. Technical Paper submitted to Ministry of Water Resources Abuja, Nigeria 25pp (148) Omitoyin B.O., Ajani E.K. and Nwanna L.C. ed. (2013): Training Manual for Fish Farmers under integrated fish cum poultry and rice culture. 120pp. Walecrown Ventures Ibadan (149) Omitoyin B.O. and Ajani E.K. (2013): Water quality management under integration of fish with poultry and rice. In Omitoyin B.O., Ajani E.K. and Nwanna L.C. edt. (2013): Training Manual for Fish Farmers under integrated fish cum poultry and rice culture. 13pp. Walecrown Ventures Ibadan (150) Ajani E.K. and Omitoyin B.O. (2013): Fish production techniques under integration of poultry and rice. In Omitoyin B.O., Ajani E.K. and Nwanna L.C. edt. (2013): Training Walecrown Ventures Ibadan (151) Omitoyin B.O., Ajani E.K. and Osho, E.F. (2014): Biological and Chemical assessment of water quality management under integration of fish, pig and rice In: Omitoyin B.O., Ajani E.K. and A.O. Akinwole edt. (2014): A book on integrated fish farming:Fish, rice and pig.ISBN-978-978-31064-6- 1. 104pp (152) Ajani,E.K and Omitoyin, B.O.(2014): Management practices in integration of fish, pig and rice In: Omitoyin B.O., Ajani E.K. and A.O. Akinwole editor. (2014): A book on integrated fish farming:Fish, rice and pig.ISBN-978-978-31064-6- 1. 104pp (153) Omitoyin, B. O, Ajani, E. K. and Akinwole, A. O. ed. (2015): Entrepeneurship Development Training in Aquaculture Business. Printplace Concepts Ibadan. 138pp. (154) Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin, B. O. and Oyebola O. O. (2015). Fish breeding and Hatchery management. In. Omitoyin, B. O, Ajani, E. K. and Akinwole, A. O. ed: Entrepeneurship Development training in Aquaculture Bussiness. Printplace Concepts Ibadan. 102 – 120pp (155) Omitoyin, B.O. and Fregene, B. Tosan (2015): Starting a fish farm enterprise. In. Omitoyin, B. O, Ajani, E. K. and Akinwole, A. O. ed: Entrepeneurship Development training in Aquaculture Bussiness. Printplace Concepts Ibadan.1 – 8pp (156) Ajani, E. K., Omitoyin B. O., Osho, E. F. and Onada, O. A. (2015): Fish farming practices and management. In. Omitoyin, B. O, Ajani, E. K. and Akinwole, A. O. ed: Entrepeneurship Development training in Aquaculture Bussiness. Printplace Concepts Ibadan. 38– 58pp (157) Omitoyin, B.O., Adetola Jenyo-Oni and Olaifa F.E.(2015): Water Quality, Pollution Control Environmental Management. In. Omitoyin, B. O, Ajani, E. K. and Akinwole, A. O. ed: Entrepeneurship Development training in Aquaculture Bussiness. Printplace Concepts Ibadan. 90– 101pp (158) Oben, P.M., Oben, B.O and Omitoyin, B.O Eds (2016): Sustainable integrated pond based aquaculture with rice and poultry production: economic, social and 19 environmental assessment in Cameroon. Training manual,University of Buea, Cameroon Publication. 262 pp (159) Omitoyin B.O., Jenyo-Oni Adetola, Ajani, E.K., Tolulope J. O. and Nwanna L. C. (2016) Use Of Lyophilized Testes From Bull (Bos Indicus), Ram (Ovis aries) And Buck (Capra hircus) For Masculinization Of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.). Proceeding of 40th Annual Conference Aquaculture Europe 2016, 20 – 23 September, Edinburgh, Scotland. (160) Ajani, E. K, Omitoyin B. O., Nwanna L. C. and Olusanya, O. O (2016): Determination of Optimum Dietary Carbohydrate requirement for the production of Snakehead Fish, Parachanna Obscura (Gunther, 1861) Fingerlings.Proceeding of 40th Annual Conference Aquaculture Europe 2016, 20 – 23 September, Edinburgh, Scotland f. Policy Briefs (161) Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O. (2016): Integration of fish, poultry and rice: the silent revolution towards improving food security in West and Central Africa. SIARP – ESEA Policy brief 1: 2016 4pp. (162) Ajani, E. K. and Omitoyin, B. O. (2016): Production of clean technology through integrated fish farming: The zero waste option. SIARP – ESEA Policy brief 2: 2016 4pp. (163) Emmanuel Kaunda1, Sloans Chimatiro, Bamidele Omitoyin and Julia de Bruyn (2018): The role of intra and inter-regional fish trade in delivering Economic and Social Development in Africa. Policy Brief No. 1. Project funded by the European Union and implemented by WorldFish in partnership with AU-IBAR and NEPAD (164) Sloans Chimatiro, John Linton, Bamidele Omitoyin, and Julia de Bruyn (2018): Informal cross-border fish trade: Invisible, fragile and important. Policy Brief No.2. Project funded by the European Union and implemented by WorldFish in partnership with AU-IBAR and NEPAD (165) Joseph Nagoli, Sloans Chimatiro, John Linton,and Bamidele Omitoyin (2018): Gender and Youth Dimensions in Regional Cross- Border Fish Trade. Policy Brief No.3. Project funded by the European Union and implemented by WorldFish in partnership with AU-IBAR and NEPAD (166) Sloans Chimatiro, Bamidele Omitoyin and Julia de Bruyn (2019): Developing Effective Legal Frameworks to support intra- and inter-regional fish trade in Africa. Policy Brief No. 4. Prepared following research undertaken between 2014 and 2017 under the auspices of ‘The Fishtrade for a Better Future Project Project funded by the European Union and implemented by WorldFish in partnership with AU-IBAR and NEPAD (g) Major Conference Attended with Papers read (in the last 5 years) (a) University Writers-shop for the Fish Trade Program: Consolidating research outputs into Policy and Practice at Hotel Africana, Kampala through 26th-28th March, 2018. 20 (b) First annual Conference of Association of Nigerian Fisheries Scientists held at the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria from 10 -12 July, 2018. (c) Second annual Conference of Association of Nigerian Fisheries Scientists held at Main Auditorium, Main Campus Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria., 09 -11 July, 2019. (d) Third annual Conference of Association of Nigerian Fisheries Scientists held at the Faculty of Agriculture Cooperative Union Building Main Auditorium, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria., 28 -31 July, 2021. (e) Humboldt Kolleg 2022 International Conference, at T. I. Francis Auditorium, Federal University of Technology, Akure Ondo State Nigeria. (f) Assessment of water utilization, water quality performance and nutrient requirement under integrated rice-fish farming (g) National Workshop on FAO/UI/UGA - Integrated Rice and Fish Farming, Kankanfo Inn University of Ibadan, Nigeria December 2022 (h) Fish Innovation Lab’s Final Annual Meeting, New Orleans February 28 - 02 March 2023 (i) Aquaculture America 2023 Conference and Exposition, held at the New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from February 23 - 26, 2023. (j) Fourth Annual Conference of Association of Nigerian Fisheries Scientists held at the held at the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State from 11 to 14 July, 2023. (k) Aquaculture Africa 2023. “Resilient value chains in the blue economy” The 2nd Annual International Conference & Exposition of the African Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society held at Mulungushi International Convention Centre, Lusaka, Zambia from November 13-16, 2023. (l) Fifth Annual Conference of Association of Nigerian Fisheries Scientists held at University of Lagos, Akoka Lagos from July 9- 11, 2024. (m)Black Soldier Fly Training of Trainers held at the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria 20 - 21 July 2024 (n) United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation’s 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Water Resource Management held at Shangai Ocean University, China, from 19 - 21 September, 2024